Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Nation Reborn

Constitutional Texas Republic

By Ed Brannum

It started with an unlawful annexation by resolution from the US Congress. There is no provision in the U.S. Constitution that allows its Congress any authority for annexing a foreign nation, which the Constitutional Texas republic is and was at that time. To accomplish annexation, the U.S. House and Senate passed an unlawful joint resolution using color of law. There was not a quorum present to vote on the matter, so it was passed unlawfully.

Further, only the US Senate by a two-thirds majority vote can pass an annexation treaty, and their annexation authority is limited to territories, not nations. Through this fraud the Constitutional republic of the Texas Nation was unlawfully made by color of law trickery a part of the United States.

Re-Claiming Sovereignty
The government of the Texas republic Nation has now lawfully been vested back into the hands of the people of Texas as a Constitutional republic Nation. This process is not an act of seceding from the U.S. since history shows that citizens of the Constitutional Texas republic never voted to cede their land in the first place.

More Information
The Constitutional Republic of Texas’ home page on the Internet is Much information, as well as e-mail addresses, are provided there. You may also keep in touch with current meetings and events by emailing the Constitutional Senator District # 5 at

The Next Step
The legal steps have been taken. The framework is in place. Now we can proudly stand upon principle, not because it is popular or easy, but because it is the right thing to do. Why would we continue to support Fraud? It is time to declare your right to live as a free individual and claim the freedoms of life in a republic. Unlike democracy where 51% of the people can enslave the other 49%, in a republic neither the people nor the government can vote away the rights of a Citizen. In the Texas republic a higher authority than man grants these rights.

Freedom for all Texian inhabitants
The Constitutional republic of Texas is not, cannot and will not become a corporate member of the United Nations or a so-called One World Government. It is a Neutral Nation among the Nations being of God’s World, where its People will enjoy Freedom from oppressive government, Freedom from direct taxes, Freedom of allodial land ownership, Freedom of Travel without toll roads, Freedom of education, Freedom to own and run a personal business without fees, regulations, statutes or codes, Freedom to defend family and property without being arrested, Freedom of speech and Freedom to exercise their God Given Rights.

The Right for Texians is having Independence as a Nation under God’s law held up by Texas Common Law For understanding what rights the People claiming to be in their official national name, Texians, have to exist and to operate as a free and independent nation, there are two separate fields of study one must address to comprehend its basis in fact. First is history and second is man’s international law, or what is termed in its organic source, as God’s law of nations. Neither field of law address the total question nor answers it.

The Unlawful Fraud
Let us begin this quest for understanding by revealing the facts of the history and the law so that you can make your own judgment on the question.

On March 2, 1836, while in the middle of a war for its independence, the Texians boldly declared their independence from Mexico, which itself several years before, had declared itself independent from Spain. The Texian movement, which had begun formally on November 13, 1835, assembled and adopted the formation of a provisional government. Texians were at war to free themselves from a tyrannical government, but there are also historical records to show that there was another agenda directed towards eventually bringing Texas into a union with the United States. After the fall of the Alamo, delegates in convention adopted a constitution for the new nation of Texas, known as the republic of Texas, on March 17, 1836. On May 14, 1836, by secret agreement with General Santa Anna in the Treaty of Velasco, Texas became a free and sovereign nation. On April 25, 1838 the United States of America entered into a formal treaty, which was declared ratified on October 13, 1838, recognizing the full boundaries of the Constitutional republic of Texas that were also agreed to by the Adams-Onis Treaty in 1819 between the United States of America and the Nation of Spain, which encompassed approximately 393,000 square miles of land and included parts of the present corporate states of Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming.

The Congressional Records of both the Congress of the United States and Congress of the republic of Texas between 1837 and 1845 show that there had been several attempts to bring Texas into a union with the United States; but due to the aggressive stances of several senators and congressmen, such as John Quincy Adams, they were able to prove on the U.S. Congressional Record that it would be unconstitutional for the United States to annex the Texas Nation or any other foreign nation without proper ratification of an amendment to the Constitution to allow for such annexation. But on February 27, 1845, the Senate of the United States usurped its authority under the U.S. Constitution and started the unlawful process to annex Texas to a foreign Nation. This usurpation of authority lacked any lawful foundation under the international law, law of nations and the United States Constitution.

The US senate was unable to muster enough votes to pass an unlawful treaty, so they proceeded un-lawfully to annex the Texas Nation with a so-called joint resolution. There is a big difference between a Treaty and a Resolution.

Texas is a North American sovereign Nation standing under God’s law that is alive and surviving after being fraudulently placed in a dormant state for 161 years and was released from said state in September 2005. The republic of Texas Nation was brought out of dormancy with a National People’s ballot election for the reconstituting of their Constitutional Texas republic Government with being in compliance with the 1836 organic republic of Texas Constitution and accepted by the Texian people and for the Texian people.

There has never been a lawful Treaty of Annexation between the United States of America and the republic of Texas. The records of these congressional proceedings during 1845 and early 1846 are quite explicit, with documented facts showing the unlawful annexation.

Although historians argue that the people of Texas voted for the annexation, they refuse to explain why the Constitution of the United States was violated by the lack of an amendment and ratification by the states then in the union. The records clearly show that the people of the United States would not have voted in support of Texas Annexation and that Texas Annexation was strictly a ploy to facilitate United States’ invasion of Mexico in order to gain Pacific Ocean seaports in California for certain international interests propagated by the United States.

Some historians will argue that since the People of Texas voted on this subject, and due to the long passage of time, the question is settled. Enter now the twist of history and international law that no one officially wants to face and everyone is trying to ignore. Man’s time cannot cure actions of un-lawfulness or fraud. Only God can forgive them.

As part of the unlawful Annexation Resolution of 1845, The People of The Republic of Texas were tricked into adopting a new constitution, which they did on December 29, 1845, but no matter how much you research from that date after 1845 or how much time has past, Fraud is Fraud and all matters regarding the Corporatism THE STATE OF TEXAS and parts of THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO, THE STATE OF COLORADO, THE STATE OF WYOMING, THE STATE OF KANSAS, and THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA are null and void since 1845when the 10th Congress was forced into abeyance un-lawfully until its re-birth in the Year of our Lord 2005 (161 years). *As a Maxim of Law, fraud vitiates any agreement or contract ab initio (from the beginning).

Texians gained back their rights
The right of those claiming status as Texian Nationals to reform their nation is a reserved right given by God the almighty creator. It now has been reinstated and there is no court in the world that has lawful jurisdiction to decide this political issue. The hard facts are that the Constitutional republic of Texas Political Body assembled as the re-elected 10th Congress in September of 2005. Whereas the people, replaced the elected treasonous and Oath of Office violators of the 1845 10th Congress members who walked off their jobs and away from their responsibilities with dishonor by not convening the 10th congress legislative session thereby placing the Constitutional “Congress of the republic of Texas” into abeyance or dormancy.

After being brought forward in 2005 from the forced abeyance in 1845 by an unlawful Resolution falsely portrayed as a so-called treaty that never was, the Nation of Texas with its Constitutional “Congress of the republic of Texas” is presently conducting business under God’s law and the organic 1836 Constitution “as amended in September 2007.” It has now entered into its 3rd session as the Constitutional republic of Texas so named the 12th elected Congress for the Years of our Lord 2007-2008.

The Texians Demand: Let us go in peace
We native-born Texians, and many adopted Texans, simply want to reclaim our Texas heritage. With respect to Texas, the Corporate United States has violated its own Constitution by not providing Texas with a Republican Form of Government, and has unlawfully compelled the Texian People to participate in its fatally flawed wars, economics, social security, welfare, immigration programs, and its democracy (which was eschewed by the Founding Fathers). It has unlawfully hypothecated Texas land to THE STATE OF TEXAS, and parts of THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO, THE STATE OF COLORADO, THE STATE OF WYOMING, THE STATE OF KANSAS, and THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA.

The Texian People, acting through their body politic, the organic Constitutional Texas republic is re-establishing its true and lawful standing as an independent sovereign nation. Peaceful and lawful recognition by the United States will allow Texas to become the Republican nation where the main duty of the government is the protection of the Peoples’ Rights, Freedom, and Property; Where the government recognizes that the People are the Sovereigns, and the members of government are their servants; Where private personal Religion and Economics are areas that the government dare not enter, and where the People understand what the true role of government is, as well as understand the true nature of government.

The early Texian pioneers and settlers understood and appreciated the Promise of a Nation operating under a Constitutional Republic form of government, using only Gold and Silver as tender of payment of debts, embracing the common-law developed over the centuries to protect and secure the rights of man, providing man the ability to own land and property in allodium, guaranteeing that man will enjoy the fruits of his labor without being taxed for the right to earn a living and provide food, shelter, and the pursuit of happiness for one’s family. They saw an opportunity in Texas that wasn’t available in the United States and headed for Texas. They were up against the harsh Texas land. An imperious government and seemingly insurmountable odds taking on an Army thirty times their size at the Alamo, and finally being victorious in battle and negotiations to win the war and the land, for the people forever.

That is what being a “Texian” means. If you are of like mind we invite you to join us. Our Nation is being reclaimed one living soul at a time. The time is now! We have all the documentation supporting Texas as a legitimate, lawful, sovereign and independent nation that has come out of abeyance to take its lawful place among the nations of this planet.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Return Accountability to Public Servants

Constitution Denied

ISSUE: Should parents be instructed by their children on how the parents run the household? The parents by virtue of their position as creator of the children tell the children how they are to behave, not the other way around.Who created the federal government? The Constitution states that “We the People” created the government for specific and defined purposes with specific and defined powers. One of the responsibilities of “We the People” is to ensure the government is held accountable. In this article I will discuss some of the issues we face and provide some guidance on how we can accomplish this.

I would like to start this article on accountability with the words of Patrick Henry: “This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery... It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country… Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope…Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Patrick Henry’s famous “give me liberty or give me death” speech,when America sat on the brink of war with England, shows the resolve of the American settlers. Hearts were split between the land they grew up with, where their family’s lineage ran long and the binds of generations weighed heavy upon them. But they suffered under a government that would not answer their grievances and instead added increased taxation and more encroaching laws.

Today we have government intrusion into every aspect of our lives.We no longer own property free and clear, if you think you do just try not paying property “tax” and see how long they let you keep “your” property. Every right we may have had at the outset of this great union has been slowly infringed upon, taxed, limited, licensed, fee’s assessed, coded, legislated, and in some cases outright denied.The taxation rate within the colonies that flamed the feelings of oppression and revolt was between three and four percent.Today we give at least 25% of our total earnings and feel good when Uncle Sam gives us back a $500.00 refund check, without paying any interest.

Yet in this day and age of instant communication, YouTube, cable television, cell phones, internet, etc.; very few Americans know anything about the serious threats that loom over them and their posterity. And those that do may not know what to do about it. James Madison stated: “I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”

According to Black’s Law Dictionary (6th Edition) the term “Unalienable Right” is a “right which can NEVER be abridged because they are so fundamental.” (Abridged means: “To reduce or diminish.”) The seventh edition of Black’s however states that Unalienable Right means “a right that cannot be transferred or surrendered.” Notice the difference, in the former edition where they denote a right cannot be made to be reduced or diminished. In the later they state that it cannot merely be transferred or surrendered. This would leave ground for one to surmise the ability to diminish or limit a right so long as they do not take it away completely.

Because governments are endowed with powers that can have good as well as evil effects upon their citizenry it is of utmost importance to the well being of that society to hold the government to a high standard and especially those who manage it.

Recently a group of concerned citizens, under the banner of the “We The People Foundation,”petitioned the government for a redress of grievances as provided for under the First Amendment.The government’s response was silence! Many more attempts were made with similar results; so they took the government to court. During this whole process the government acknowledged that, indeed, the people have the “right” to petition the government but that the government has no constitutional responsibility to answer. This of course is absolutely absurd!

For those who remember their history, one of the primary reasons, and in may people’s opinion the most important reason, we went to war with Britain was the King’s refusal to respond to the colonists petitions. In the Declaration of Independence the forefathers listed item after item of the oppressions heaped upon them and stated: “In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.”

An IRS official when answering the question why they would not answer the petition of the We The People Foundation they responded that they were answering them by “enforcement.”This reminds me of the axiom“that those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.”

The We The People Foundation’s case was appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.The Supreme Court decided that it would not hear the case. In my opinion the spineless Black robes chose to play politics with our rights and freedoms instead of standing up for the people and honoring their oath to support and defend the Constitution.

The Constitution defines itself as the supreme law of the land. The Supreme Court has affirmed that any laws that stray outside the enumerated boundaries of the Constitution are repugnant and void as law. This does not mean that the De Facto power does not exist to enforce unconstitutional law, it surely does, it only means that they are wrong doing it and they do it anyway, this is termed as despotic rule.

For instance, the Second Amendment states that “…the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed.”Today we have over 20,000 laws, various licenses, fees, applications, and taxes on that “right.”This to me is a prime example of infringement by anyone’s definition. So what do we do when those sworn to support and defend the Constitution, don’t?

RESOLUTION: It is the responsibility of the citizens of this nation to hold the government accountable. Every government throughout history that has been left to its own devices eventually turned on its own people (some would argue this is already happening here). So what can WE do to hold our public servants accountable to their oaths and ensure this does not happen here?

First - Get informed; you cannot hold your government accountable if you don’t know what they are supposed to be doing in the first place.The good news is the vast majority of information you need is readily available and free. Start with the founding documents, read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Just knowing these documents will put you ahead of the majority of Americans.
Second - If the persons are elected officials then on the next election cycle fire him! Every other year we have the opportunity to change a percentage of those in office. Review the voting record of any person coming up for reelection. If they fail to uphold the constitutional standard fire their butts and replace them with someone who will.
Third – Run for office yourself; sometimes when you want a job done right you have to do it yourself, or support someone you know who will. Get involved!
Fourth - Know what your servants are up to. Read the bills being presented and contact your representative to let them know you either support or oppose those bills. There are a number of watchdog organizations that will send you email alerts whenever a suspect bill is introduced. Groups like Restore the Republic, Downsize DC, NRA, Gun Owners of America, and many more.
Fifth – When public servants disregard the Constitution call for their impeachment. It is within the right of every citizen to contact their representative and demand adherence to Article II Section 1 and Article VI of the Constitution where they swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Breach of this oath is grounds for impeachment.
Sixth – Support new bills that hold your representatives accountable to the Constitution. Two bills worth supporting are the Enumerated Powers Act and the Read the Bills Act. Both of these bills originated at the grass roots level and are gaining support in Washington.

The “Read The Bills” Act requires any member voting yes on the bill to have actually read the bill he is voting on.This makes perfect sense.How can anyone in good faith vote to enact law when they have not read the law.

The Enumerated Powers Act requires anyone submitting a bill for consideration must cite the Constitutional Authority under which this bill gains its authority to authorize the legislation to pass such a bill.Without a clear tie to a constitutional power no bill would be allowed to the floor let alone a vote unless it can be tied directly to the Constitution.
Seventh - Don’t be selfish, once you know something tell someone else. Write your family and friends and pass along the important information you find. Don’t assume they already know this stuff, it was new to you when you found it, share it.
Eighth – Contact your representative and have them sponsor or support a bill that requires every elected representative in both houses to be versed in the founding documents and to know what a “republican form of government” looks like. They cannot “support and defend” a thing they know nothing about.
Ninth – The last and final resort was stated at the beginning of this article by Patrick Henry in preparation of supporting this nation – “Give me Liberty or give me Death.” The founding document, the Declaration of Independence, states “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it… It is their duty to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…”

So you see my fellow Americans it is up to us to keep our public servants accountable for what THEY do and how WE respond makes all the difference.

Michael LeMieux is a retired U.S. Army intelligence and imagery analyst, and has served combat tours in Kuwait and Afghanistan with the 19th Special Forces. He is a Purple Heart recipient for injuries received in Afghanistan.Mr. LeMieux is the author of Unalienable Rights and the denial of the U.S. Constitution, published by Publish America. You can contact Mr. LeMieux via his website at

Return Our National Sovereignty

Globalization The Path to Tyranny

A person caught up in the blur of events, dished up by the purveyors of managed news reporting may not recognize an ever pervasive change of scenes going on backstage.What comes to mind when you hear the term “globalization?” Is it a good thing that hints at the promise of a social utopia, or is it, rather, a portent for doom? So what is this “New World Order?” Is it, in fact, something new at all, or does this catch phrase have significant historical precedent? Socialist collectivism, or this “New World Order” spoken of by Bush senior, has long been pursued by others before him who have sought to implement a utopian ideal.

The Problem
The promotion and eventual passage of GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) under the Reagan Administration was touted by the media as a necessary means to boost U.S. commerce and jobs by reducing barriers to international trade. After all, we all wanted to be able to purchase things cheaper, right? During G.H.W. Bush’s Administration, the president’s clarion call from the podium of the House chambers boldly ushered in the “New World Order.”

Then, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) was initiated by G.H.W. Bush and pushed through Congress during Clinton’s Administration, ostensibly to “encourage trade by eliminating tariffs on most goods originating in and traded between these [Canada, U.S. & Mexico] countries over a fifteen-year period.”1

More recently, under the current Bush Administration, the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) has been promoted with the claim that it will provide greater cooperation on security and economic issues. Clearly, there is an overall attempt in these three initiatives by participating countries to promote international trade between countries.We’ve been told by journalists, business and government that, “It’s a vital necessity for business and commerce in order to promote trade between countries.” However, is it actually designed to benefit citizens of the U.S. or is it a Trojan horse being pushed through our gates to entangle us in burdensome and unfair regulations, designed to lower our relative competitiveness as a sovereign and independent nation, thereby destroying our high standard of living to put our workers on par with those from neighboring third world countries while public/private corporate interests control the populace and the profits? In the long run, who really ends up on the short end of the deal?

What you don’t know can hurt you
The operational cloak the proponents of these initiatives are counting on hinges upon keeping the citizenry ignorant of the facts and distracted from considering the implications. Researching the details of treaties such as The North American Union, North American Free Trade Agreement and Security and Prosperity Partnership, reveals a frightening overall picture.

“[Our loss of liberty is through] ...a gradual process of salami slicing where the citizen is eventually subjugated to what is essentially a volunteeristic, quasi-judicial political body controlled by the political elite. It would be like putting a frog into the cold water and then gradually increasing the heat; if you put it into the hot water, it would jump out right away.”—Srdja Trifkovic, Ph.D.

Globalization vs. Globalism
For the purpose of clarity, it is first necessary to understand the terms being used. When using the term of globalization, it is not to be misconstrued to mean globalism which refers to “the belief that we share one fragile planet, the survival of which requires mutual respect and careful treatment of the earth and of all its people…” (Mark Ritchie, Globalization vs. Globalism).Globalization, on the other hand, simply put means the movement of corporate assets, factories and their products to various countries around the world for the purpose of minimizing production costs while maximizing profits.

One blogger, Ray Tapajna on, although using the term incorrectly when meaning globalization, states accurately, “Globalism means a centralization of control over the flow of commerce.When anything is centralized, it also centralizes all the negatives and make[s] them more of a rule rather than the exception. Survival of the fittest takes over. We also have international entities like the WTO that controls the flow of commerce outside of any real democratic process and act as if they are above individual nation’s laws.”

Historical Background
The scheming toward globalization actually began almost a hundred years ago. It was during the early 1900s that the likes of David Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Henry Ford and other wealthy dynasties such as the Vanderbilts and Rothschilds used their influence to manipulate commerce and banking to their favor. As G. Edward Griffin points out in his book, “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” it was Morgan and a cartel of other bankers who met to conspire for the purpose of creating The Federal Reserve, a non-governmental entity which was given the power to control interest rates and lend out funds to banks. It is the third, and current, central bank of the U.S. This was the first in a long, patient process which was intended to gradually dismantle the structure of our government, a republic, and move it toward a tyrannical state controlled by the “power elites” to serve their interests.

Identifying the Culprits
So, who are these “elites” referred to above who have a great deal of influence over our national foreign policies and global economy?Most of the public isn’t aware of this group because the media, being owned and controlled by them, are accomplices in not publicizing their regular meetings in various secluded, yet posh, resorts.They are an exclusive, invitation-only group of top political, business, and media figures known as the Bilderbergers.

Summarizing the objectives of this group of Europe’s and America’s wealthiest CEOs and political “insiders” is best done by quoting William Shannon (Plans to Destroy America are Exposed! American Almanac, Aug. 11, 2002)

The Bilderbergers are searching for the age of post-nationalism: when we won’t have countries, but rather regions of Earth surrounded by Universal values. That is to say, a global economy one World government (selected rather than elected) and a universal religion. To assure themselves of reaching these objectives, the Bilderbergers focus on a “greater technical approach and less awareness on behalf of the general public.”

Backed by the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund), with an ever increase level of power and control being given to the United Nations, our elected officials are gradually being relegated to mere figure heads in the overall scheme of things.Over the course of several administrations, both Republican and Democrat, the immigration issue has been ignored while growing further out of control as the drug cartel in Mexico gradually tightened their grip of fear and intimidation on states along the southern border. Increasingly, actions of global magnitude have slowly been working their way through our own country’s legislative process such as the L.O.S.T. (Law of the Sea Treaty), which would give control of our national shores to the U.N.The construction of a “super highway” (I-35 in Texas) from Mexico through the heartland of our country, north to Michigan and Canada, has already begun. This has been well documented on nationally broadcast shows such as 60 Minutes on CBS.

What has been the result of these shifts to greater international trade?To the individual who’s been paying attention at all, it’s obvious that our country’s economic situation has worsened; industries have left the U.S. – steel, automobiles, computers, manufactured goods – our country’s largest area of employment is now in the service sector. We have shifted over the past thirty years from a nation of producers to a nation of consumers—buying products manufactured mostly overseas. Ocean freighters are coming over from China full and returning to China empty most of the time.How long can a country survive if it does not produce much of its own goods?

If our country does not have a balanced economy, how much longer will our existing jobs maintain the ability to purchase those goods being shipped in from overseas? Especially with the rising price of gasoline, the fluid to which this nation is at the mercy of functioning efficiently. And it certainly doesn’t ease our concerns when, at the Congressional hearing recently, Congresswoman Maxine Waters threatened to nationalize the oil companies. Is this current situation just what the “power elites” have been waiting for in which to take the next step toward imposing a tyrannical government which promises to solve our problems, but very well could take steps which many would find unacceptable? Are we as a people so preoccupied with who gets Anna Nicole’s baby, or Britney Spears’ latest breakdown, or who got breast implants, that we are willing to allow the “power elites” to gradually force us into parity with the rest of the third world countries’ standard of living?

What Must Be Done?
While many would discount that such a thing could happen in our country, the reader need only recall that, back in the 1930s, many in the U.S. didn’t believe the news of concentration camps being used by Hitler either. Public awareness of the potential loss of freedoms we’ve taken for granted for too long, along with radical action by those who recognize the threat —both citizens and elected officials at every level of government — are the two most obvious solutions. To continue “sleeping at the wheel” for much longer will only allow those working with greater diligence to move us toward a tyrannical socialist regime of globalization and win the battle for control.

One organization I highly recommend to raise one’s awareness of the issues facing our nation is, while another is the site. These organizations, in a nutshell, best address the issues aboutwhich we must become knowledgeable and upon which we must press our elected officials. As you will find, there is soon to be a nation-wide campaign to take action, using the system, in which you can participate to make change for the betterment of our nation’s interests.

Because our government is structured as a representative republic, each of us must participate in the process. We must speak up and be heard. For, if we are silent, if left up to those others have elected to decide on voting one way or the other, because the lobbyists in D.C. have their ear more than we do, then we are complicit in the success of what may well be over the horizon and it will be too late.

Each citizen who understands the threat this situation poses to his/her freedoms and rights must educate and inform themselves so that they may communicate their concerns and expectations to their local, state and federal officials who are there to serve their constituents.We must demand that bills be introduced in state legislatures, as well as our Congress, that will bring the manufacturing production industry back to the U.S. We must demand that the Social Security and Welfare problems be addressed by Congress. We must demand that taxes be overhauled to be fair and equitable for all citizens. We must demand that initiatives like the SPP, the purchasing of land, highways, and other property by foreign entities, be stopped and investigated further.

Elected officials need to be educated about how these circumstances are impacting your life. I’m sure many are already beginning to see evidence of this. If our elected officials don’t respond, then We the People must take up the torch of preserving our freedoms and rights long enjoyed by our fathers, grandparents and others who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice to keep these freedoms, by running for office at the local, state and national levels to effect change for the revitalization of our country’s prosperity, or we have no one to blame but ourselves.

One can’t help but wonder, with all the events occurring so rapidly around us, if it’s too late to maintain hope for our country’s ability to turn its course away from future tyranny that may well be coming. Only time, participation and action by those who don’t want to see us go down that path, will tell.

By Jon Higley

Require Costitutional Education for All Jurors

Educate Jurors

If you are reading this, you are already searching for solutions to problems caused by the government. Each day, government politicians and bureaucrats impose more and more restrictions on our freedoms. Government’s tyrannical gun controls, privacy violations, the confiscation of property, and claiming ownership of the fruits of our labor ~ and even of our bodies ~ are worsening daily. You already know this. We see government confiscating our property and the product of our labors, thus depriving us of the days of our lives we have invested to acquire our property. Our paychecks are plundered before they reach our hands. Our property is subject to seizure any time we fail to allocate much of our labors to pay taxes. Our tools are subject to seizure if they are not tools approved by the government. More and more harmless people are tasered, locked away in prisons, or killed by government employees who then go free. We are subject to being stopped and searched at any time. We can no longer travel freely. Our private correspondence is invaded, worse than any Revolutionary War plot to capture the letters of the Revolutionaries. Short of armed revolution, how do we defend our lives, our property, our rights and our freedom?

What Can You Do?
What can you do as one free individual to make a difference? How can you protect your human rights and the rights of others? How can you regain the birthright of liberty left to you by those who fought and died, that we might enjoy individual human rights and the blessings of liberty, life, property, and prosperity? How can you peacefully regain these rights? How do you, one individual, become a revolutionary force of justice and freedom?

Become a juror. To learn more, visit or call 1-800-TEL-Jury for a free information packet. One of the best and least-known methods you can use to protect your rights and the rights of everyone is to serve on a jury every chance you get.Yes, you read that correctly: every chance you get, serve on a jury. To defend peaceful, productive individuals from routinely being abused by the power of government, you must first get on the jury. During jury selection lawyers and judges,who like to dictate the law, remove thinking people from juries.The corrupted power of lawyers and judges is dependent upon ignorant, unthinking jurors who will do whatever they are told by government officers, even in violation of good conscience and constitutional law. Be educated!

YOU, as one individual, cannot do much to effect legislation. But YOU can effectively defend the Constitution when a gun owner, a tax resister, or someone who knows he owns his individual body, is on trial for not following government-made laws that are both unconstitutional and violate human rights.The primary responsibility of any juror is to protect innocent humans from government tyranny.That means any violation of basic human rights should be nullified by you, the juror.This is your individual executive veto power, built into our justice system by our founders.

How Can You Do This?
One person can “hang” a Jury by refusing to convict.You cannot be punished for doing so. If you are called to serve on a jury, do so! In turn, if your rational exercise of a right is ever described as a gun crime, a property crime, or a body management crime by a typical government prosecutor, wouldn’t you want a member of your Jury to be an informed gun owner, tax resister or supplement user?You would want them to understand that they can hang a jury by simply stating that the government prosecutor failed to prove the government case.

This is important: You can also state no reason for your verdict, as is your right.

Liberty exists only among reasoning people who are tolerant of human diversity. Tyranny thrives on intolerance. Reasoning jurors defend liberty when they refuse to convict fellow citizens who are maliciously accused of crimes. Reasoning jurors stopped the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and freed tax protesters during the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. Juries refused to convict under the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, during Liquor Prohibition from 1920-30, Vietnam Objectors from 1960-1970, Tax Resisters, Medical Marijuana Users, Home-Schoolers, Property Owners, Gun Owners, ID Resisters, and others.

The defense of our liberties comes first at the ballot box, then the soap box, then the jury box and, finally, failing all else, the cartridge box.The writers of the U.S. Constitution understood that power always corrupts, and that the people must retain and understand all the ways to defend themselves from the greatest threat to liberty: one’s own government.The founders wrote the Constitution with many checks and balances for the People to use—peacefully—to keep government under control. Some of us never heard about these checks and balances because the government-run schools do not teach about juror veto rights, nor will government judges or government-licensed attorneys tell you about this right when you are called for jury duty.

For instance, there are more than 20,000 inferior gun laws contradicting the superior or prevailing law of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment. Because judges and lawyers are ignorant of the Constitution and the Common Law, it is only a matter of time before you or one of your friends are stupidly accused of some victimless crime. Enough of us must become informed jurors and use our juror veto, or nullification, to refuse to convict those who have been wrongfully accused of some government-invented crime. An actual crime is when another individual human is injured, not when a reasonable peaceful person fails to obey some tyrannical government mandate or pronouncement. (Government has no rights and, therefore, cannot be injured by a person. If no other human is injured in any way, by force or fraud, then there is no crime. Period!)

The duty and function of a juror is to apply honest, common-sense reasoning that is without craving for power of office. Lawyers and judges literally cannot understand that concept, even if they read these words, which is why wise people instituted the peer jury system with its authority over lawyers and judges. The jury is the highest authority in the courtroom. Jurors are not officers of the court: jurors own the courts! This veto authority is how We the People keep our government under our control.

Why Should You Do This?
The promotions of government prosecutors and judges are based on their record of protecting and increasing the corrupt power of government. That entrenched corruption is easily verified. Court judges are no longer a check and balance on the executive or legislative branches which select those court judges for lucrative and ego-gratifying promotions, often as a reward for loyalty to political tyranny.

Court officers and prosecutors profile jurors based on their psychological and professional likelihood of not questioning what some government authority-figure says, so the jurors will do exactly what a judge tells them in the jury instructions. That is the same type person every dictator selects for his minions. Gullible people who do not question authority are the foundation of every tyranny. Always question all authority. Always!

What Are the Results If Jurors Veto Bad Laws?
In 1789 Thomas Jefferson accurately stated: “I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.”

The People of this country advanced individual human freedom above government power until corrupted judges usurped the jury system by refusing to remind jurors of their authority to judge the law and the facts of any case. Judges then imposed unlawful jury instructions that fooled gullible jurors into rubber-stamping guilty verdicts that the judge devised with instructions and by disallowing evidence that proved innocence. The lawyer-judge written Rules of the Court replaced the U.S. Constitution within the judge-ruled dictatorship of what were, once, our Courts.

The only anchor—a juror—holding government to the U.S. Constitution was thus rendered useless by this process, unless the juror knew prior to entering the courtroom about the authority of the juror.You know from reading the Constitution that nothing in the Constitution remains in effect in the United States of America, except at the personal whim of court judges who may grant their friends and colleagues the privilege of exercising human rights, while sending others to prison for the exact same offense.

When jurors refuse to convict, legislators and prosecutors know that the law is NOT supported by the community. Acquittals and hung juries are politically embarrassing to the power-craving prosecutors, legislatures, bureaucrats and most judges. Do not underestimate the effect that acquittals have on the currently out-of-control law and regulation writing process. One thinking person among each of only a few juries, who understands the value of individual liberty that cost so many lives to create, can regain gun owner rights in the U.S.

A very important point is that in recent jury decisionswhere the defendant may have been found not guilty of the felony counts but perhaps guilty of some minor misdemeanor counts, the judges will use these verdicts of guilt on lesser offenses to “throw the book” at the defendant, often sentencing the person on trial to the maximum allowed under the law such as happened in the Waco, Snipes and other trials. Jurors need to remember that government employees can be vindictive and, therefore, jurors should refuse to convict a defendant on any counts when it is apparent that the government wants to “get” the defendant and when there is no harm to another person.

For jury nullification to protect all human and constitutional rights, it is necessary for jurors to learn about their authority to judge laws and their application.

The reason jurors can lawfully and logically ignore the traditionally corrupted judge’s instructions and apply their conscience alone for their decision as a duty created by the jury system is that no law requires, or can successfully require, a juror to reveal the reason she or he made their decision. There is no way to look inside a human mind to verify anything. To any government question of the juror’s decision, the juror can lawfully respond with silence, or respond that the question seems intimidating, and thus unlawfully tampering with the jury duties. Or the juror can simply state that the evidence was not credible or sufficient. Jurors need never reveal their conscience or their decision-making process.

For every person accused of a crime by the government, each juror would wisely ask his or her own conscience these questions: 1. Did the action of the accused result in a real person being damaged against their will? 2. Was the damage real and verifiable? If the answer is “No” to these questions, why would you, as a juror, agree to punish this person either with a fine or jail or prison time? And you might ask, “Why is government wasting my tax dollars on this case?” Refuse to convict. It is your right and your authority!

How Can You Spread the Word?
Visit FIJA at for more information you can use to become a juror for justice. At our web supply shop you will find literature, brochures to share, essays, various educational tapes, and DVDs. Want more information right away? Act now!Call 1-800-TEL-JURY for a free information kit!

Now That You Know, What Else Can You Do?
• Learn all you can about FIJA and Jury Veto Authority.
• Hand out FIJA Literature, give local Radio and TV interviews, get in touch with your state FIJA contact, or contact our national office. Speak about FIJA to Local Groups
• Write Letters to the Editor, put up FIJA Posters. Encourage people to demand jury trials, and help educate the jury pool in your area.
• Leave FIJA brochures at neighborhood meetings, PTA meetings, in your Church, at the office or your place of work, at gun shops and ranges, at medical offices, and any other place you have permission to leave materials.Talk to people about this wonderful tool for restoring the Constitutional Republic our founders intended.

Iloilo Marguerite Jones is the Executive Director of FIJA/AJI.

Restore Excellence to our Schools

When Are Parents Going to Fix Education

“I admire Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it.”
—California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1977 interview.

I guess parents are still waiting for some miracle to fix the unfixable. One would have thought by now America’s parents would have realized that “more money for education” is nothing more than empty words when it comes to the Federal Department of Education and the destruction that agency has done to America’s children in the area of education. When are America’s parents going to catch on to that big lie pitched every election cycle? Does the problem ever get fixed from one Congress to the next? No. One president to the next? No. One governor to the next? No.

Over the past 25 years I have read thousands of words written about how to improve education in America, but what do we see coming out of the government’s indoctrination centers? It makes me sad to say, but so many are little more than zombies. Fifty percent of all college freshmen need remedial reading instruction. Watch the individual out there who can’t even make change at a mini-mart until the computerized cash register puts it up on a digital screen. All the money in the world won’t fix education as long as the system is unconstitutionally controlled by the federal government and as long as the curriculum is anti-American, anti-learning and new world order-doctrine driven. See Education for Sustainable Tyranny: The UN Agenda For America’s Children. Get this video and share it with grandparents who have the time to march on the state houses.

People are under the gross misconception that the federal government has authority to regulate education in this country. It doesn’t, and anyone can simply look at Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution to verify this statement. If Congress always had the constitutional authority to control education, why then did it wait until 1978 to hijack the educational system in America? Those who have done their homework on this issue know the answer only too clearly. Thank you Jimmy, “the Fool”, Carter.

The big question I have is: How much longer are parents going to allow their most precious gifts from God, their children, to participate in a system designed to crush patriotism, erase any thought of God, teach the communitarian doctrine and shove social engineering down their throats?

Do you think the politicians who scream and chant the loudest about how they’re for “more money for education” send their children to the “public fools” system? Think again. Al Gore’s children went to private school. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter attended private school. Rep. Jane Harman kept her children in private school in Beverly Hills. Way back in 1998, Al Checci, Democratic candidate for governor of California, not only sent his children to private school, but when asked why they don’t attend public school, Checci replied: “Why should I do that? I’m not going to sacrifice my children’s future.” Don’t you just love these hypocrites? He has no problem with your children getting brain rot in the public cesspool system, but because he’s fortunate enough to have the big bucks it takes, his kids go to private school. Republican Dan Lundgren, former Attorney General for the State of California, now living off the public dole in the House of Representatives, chose Catholic school for his children. This smarmy liar wouldn’t have his children in an environment where condoms and sodomy are crammed down their throats every day instead of reading, writing, arithmetic, the U.S. constitution, Bill of Rights and American history.

Well-intended conservatives in this country think that vouchers or charter schools are the answer to the decaying and immoral public school system. This is just more treating of the symptoms, instead of curing the cancer. The voucher and charter-school ideas are playing right into the hands of the globalists. These two Band-Aids are integral in the one-world government agenda, steppingstones if you will, and solve nothing.

Get rid of the federal government and watch the cost of education drop like a bucket of bricks. Remember, within five years after the Department of Education became a federal cabinet, college tuition went up 2,000 percent. Why? Because colleges and universities in this country were given your checkbook via more taxes. All the taxes in the universe will not fix the complete and utter failure of America’s school system until you get the feds and the communitarian agenda out of the classroom. Every state in the Union should have NOTHING to do with the communist front organizations, NEA (National Education Association) and NTA (National Teachers Association).

There are many excellent concerned parents groups in the United States, but most of them continue to treat the symptoms by preaching “write your member of Congress” or “elect a conservative Republican.” Has that worked? A resounding no, because Congress (except Ron Paul), no longer represents the American people. The genesis of the problem with America’s education began in 1978 when the federal government unconstitutionally told the sovereign
states of the Union to sit down, shut up and put up. Tragically for America’s children over the past thirty years, the state legislatures in this country have sat back and basked in their ignorance. The sickening result is today’s school system; some states like Utah have been fighting back.

Parents are also teachers, many of whom I met when I ran for Congress. They told me how ashamed they were that they are forced to teach sodomy as a normal, natural and healthy lifestyle, as well as the stupidity of the environmental wacko agenda just to keep their jobs. I graduated from high school in California in 1967. At that time, America’s school system was the envy of the world and California ranked No. 1 in the Union; today the state is 34th with their buffoon governor, Arnie Schwarzenegger, proposing “universal health care” rammed down every Californians throat. Arnie apparently still believes in Nazism, something he has in common with his father, Gustav, who voluntarily joined Hilter’s infamous Strumabteilung (SA), “brown shirt” storm troopers.

The failed “No child left behind” program raped the American people to the tune of $24.4 BILLION dollars in 2007. There is no money in the treasury; it’s overdrawn almost $9 TRILLION dollars. The entire education budget (the list of waste is here) will be a whopping $54.4 BILLION BORROWED dollars. There’s no money in the treasury, so this continued waste of money will be funded in the form of a hot check courtesy of both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. Not only are America’s young adults coming out of college in debt from loans ($15-$45,000) the federal government isn’t authorized to give, this borrowed debt to fund education will slap those same young adults with more progressive, heavy taxation so that they will never get out of debt. Is it any wonder so many become alcoholics and drug zombies in college? What future are their parents giving them by allowing this putrid system continue?

Ronald Reagan promised to abolish the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education. Did he keep his promise? No. On September 9, 1996 while in Georgia, Bob Dole, said: “We’re going to cut out the Department of Education.” At that time, the GOP presidential platform read, in part: “Our formula is as simple as it is sweeping: The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the workplace. That is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning. We therefore call for prompt repeal of the Goals 2000 program and the School-To-Work Act of 1994, which put new federal controls, as well as unfunded mandates, on the States. We further urge that federal attempts to impose outcome or performance-based education on local schools be ended.” Did Dole carry through with his promise? No, he lied for votes. They’re all liars and the victims are our precious children. The Republicans had 12 years to implement this constitutional remedy; the only thing they did was write more hot checks and the Democrats now in power will continue down the same failed path.

Don’t let these politicians in the state house feed you BS about how much money they get back from the federal government to fund local schools. First, the federal government has no right to legislate education and second, it’s all funded through borrowing - NOT your income tax dollars. Get rid of all these government programs and special interest indoctrination and you will cut the cost of education meaningfully. Get rid of the withholding scam and you will cut the cost of education immediately 30% across the board.

Once the feds are booted out of your state, demand that the school systems return to a curriculum that used to work beautifully. Get rid of all this fancy educrat mishmash and demand that schools teach reading, writing, arithmetic and physical education. Music and sports are extracurricular. Prior to 1978, schools in this country used a very basic and inexpensive system that educated the smartest population on earth.

Demand that bilingual and multiculturalism programs be eliminated in the public schools. It is the responsibility of the parent to teach their children English, not the taxpayer. My grandparents did it with my mom and uncle. They didn’t enter school speaking Italian, they spoke English. Of course, this will be met with the usual, worn-out chant of racism. America must have a common language, and that language is English. Children will never assimilate
into society and complete successfully for jobs if they can’t speak the language of the country. Multiculturalism is racism at its worst. Anyone who disputes this simply hasn’t done his or her homework. The negative impact of this social fad can be seen all across our Republic. If this doesn’t sit well with race racketeers like Jessie Jackson, too bad. As an American who has watched the destruction of my country, the deliberate race-baiting and promotion of moral bankruptcy for nearly 30 years, I’ve had my fill of these opportunists lining their pockets with other people’s hard earned dollars.

At the state level: Parents must get their groups and organizations together and get in the face of their state legislators: Get the Federal Department of Education out of your state. This isn’t about party loyalty, it’s about the safety and welfare of children. At the local level: Parents must get their groups and organization together and attend school board meetings and demand the sodomite and lesbian recruiting organization are kicked out of your local schools. No more sex education that is thinly disguised porn being shown to young children. My God, I honestly don’t know how America’s parents simply pay no attention to what’s going on at these communist indoctrination centers, but will vote for any incumbent or candidate, state or federal, who promises “more money for education!” while the system continues to turn out illiterate young adults brainwashed with the communitarian doctrine. I also highly encourage you to order Holly Swanson’s book, Set Up and Sold Out: What Green Really Means. I shared the podium with her in Grants Pass, Oregon last month and her speech on how much headway the greenie wackos are making in the public schools is frightening. If you think one day your child won’t turn you in for stepping on a bug, think again.

There are 72 million parents with children. What do you suppose would happen if 10 or 12 million of them pulled their children out of school all at the same time and home-schooled them until the state legislatures correct the problem? Only parents, using the power they have can stop the brainwashing of America’s children into becoming “global citizens” and the push to get children to experiment with queer sex. Let your voices be heard from border to border, coast to coast. Not all parents can afford to put their children in private schools; so many have written me that they feel so poorly educated, they are afraid to home school. There is help out there for those parents who wish to get their children out of these cesspools: Welcome to the National Home Education Network and National Home School Networks. I also highly recommend you look into Exodus Mandate Program. Starve the beast and send a very clear message to Washington and the state houses: We will NOT sacrifice our children on the altar of political correctness, allow them to be taught to hate God and everything this nation was founded on while denying them a real education.

Today’s children are tomorrow’s society. America’s children cannot compete for good paying jobs, learn animal husbandry, farming, accounting or whatever their heart desires if they’re functionally illiterate. Get busy, start talking with your friends and other parents from your child’s school. Gear up for the first school board meeting this year. I can tell you that dozens of school board members have been recalled by angry parents all over the country, but it takes sacrificing your time and it takes commitment. Working mothers remember this: you are not paying federal income taxes for education. Your “income” tax dollars go to the privately owned Federal Reserve to be doled out to rich potentates in the Middle East and for free dental care for people in New Guinea while your family can barely scrape up enough for teeth cleaning. You aren’t working to give your children a better life, you’re working to enrich the elite around the world and fund immoral wars for the bankers.

Important Information
1 • The Totalitarian Vision of Human Reconstruction. 2 • A More Perfect Union [DVD].
3 • Learn what the “communitarian” doctrine is: human reconstruction. 4 • Charlotte
Iserbyt’s excellent book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, is free on the Internet;
every parent should read it. 5 • Education for Sustainable Tyranny: The UN
Agenda For America’s Children. Get this video and share it with grandparents who
have the time to march on the state houses.

Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty (2 million copies sold). Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Devvy belongs to no organization. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn’t left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Her web site ( contains a tremendous amount of information, solutions and a vast Reading Room.

Stop Forced Human Chipping

Ban RFID Technology for Human Identification

Just a few short generations ago, the very mention of implanting a microchip into a human would have been either repulsive or laughable to most people. The technology was not available, nor was it really conceivable. At the very mention of the idea, most people would have rejected the notion outright. No debate. No discussion. Just NO!

So, what happened to “No?” What happened to a common sense “No” by “We The People” to the notion of implanting, or even forcibly implanting, people with microchips? Frog boiling -that’s what! We have been watching our liberties disappear slowly over time and we have failed to react. Now as the proverbial “water” heats up with the disappearance of our 4th amendment rights, we are finally waking up to see that we are almost cooked.

If you are not familiar with human implantable microchip technology, you can gain a full understanding at It is a small microchip about the size of a grain of rice. Once inserted under the skin, it will recognize the signal of a microchip “reader” and communicate with it. The chip’s unique ID number will be used to identify and track people, ostensibly for their own “safety,” and it may contain private, personal data as well.

Forcible human chipping is not a far-off threat or a delusion on the part of a bunch of misguided privacy advocates, as some would like the public to think. As an example, patients at the Alzheimer’s Community Care Center in West Palm Beach, Florida have already been chipped. The website for this company states that this program is not forced and that a patient’s legal representative can make the decision for them. The program is to improve the safety for the patient and, of course, it improves the staff ’s efficiency.

This sounds nice in theory, but what happens if the patient held religious or political beliefs that would not allow the chipping? Certainly one would hope their legal representative would make the choice based on the patient’s personal commitments, but this will not always be the case, especially when the patient is in the custody of the “state.” While the rest of us continue to “stew” in the frog pot, unaware of this brewing predicament, prisoners, mentally disabled people, soldiers, immigrants and selected religious, civil liberty and activist groups, and eventually – you – will be ready to be served up! After all, once you take the Real ID card, why bother carrying the card at all? Why not just take the chip or the tattoo, or allow your face, fingerprint or iris, to be used to identify and track you?

Here is why! • It attacks human dignity, lowering us to a class of animals to be tagged, monitored, and controlled.

Assault • It invades our bodily privacy in a form akin to “rape.” Arguably, if rape is forced sexual intercourse, forced human chipping is forced “technological intercourse.” Why is assault by rape limited to invasion of the body sexually? Bodily invasion is bodily invasion. If we cannot be secure in our own bodies, how can we be secure with our persons and papers?

1st Amendment Trashed • It defies our 1st amendment rights to religious freedom: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...”

4th Amendment Trashed • It defies our 4th amendment “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects...”

Causes Cancer • Studies published between 1996 and 2006 link microchips and cancer in laboratory animals. The cancers form at the injection site. VeriChip apparently knew of these studies but, according to AP reporter Todd Lewan, failed to provide them during the FDA approval process in 2004. For a full report on these studies and VeriChip’s lack of full disclosure to the FDA you can go to

Overwhelms Us • It is Orwellian in nature and pulls a slow heavy cloud of denial over the vast majority of sleeping voters who simply wish to look the other way and watch this occur in some other segment of the population, until they too, are “frog boiled.”

Social Engineering • From the time we were very small we have been taught to trust the government, people in uniforms, corporations and other authorities. It is beyond many American’s comprehension that our own government and/or our corporations would harm us in any way. This defensive instinct has been “educated out” of most of us, leaving many of us not knowing whether to fight, flee or just sit there. With most of us choosing the latter alternative, who will be left to watch the watchers.

“But, I want the chip!” • Many people will actually be eager for such a chip: no more hassle with identification, medical records will be readily available, no need to present additional identification when you board a plane – just show up – you are your own ID.

It’s for Our Own Good • Another argument in favor of human chipping is the protection of infants from being stolen from hospitals and for identification of children in the event of abduction or murder. Others will say that hikers and mountain climbers should be chipped for their own safety and to facilitate rescue operations. There is, apparently, literally no end to “good” reasons for our liberties to be “chipped” away.

The Agenda • In essence, the case of human chipping is literally a desire on the part of some to inject a chip into the infant the moment it is born, and to track, monitor, understand, predict and control the activities and productivity of that person from cradle to grave.

The Truth • People are not transactions and we are not bits and bytes. As the gap closes between human and machine, our fundamental understanding of what it means to be “human” and, in the United States of America, what it means to be a stakeholder in the Constitution must be crystallized.

We must use our Constitution as a prism through which we can refract the issues presented by each of the technical, economic, social and political changes presented to us. In so doing, we can control the technologies and use them for real good. For instance, being able to implant a microchip to assist during a surgical operation could be a great use of the technology. Microchips to track and control product inventories and shipments – great! But, placing technology in or on a person for the purpose of identifying and tracking them is an issue for critical evaluation and debate prior to the release of such technology.

We must clearly understand, and definitively “choose,”our future. This technology and those related to it, such as bio-recognition, have long term Constitutional, religious, safety, social, and philosophical considerations. Those in position to gain more control and profit from such technologies would obviously like to see them well entrenched before the public wakes up to discover they are in the “boiling pot.” Corporations and government entities, such as Homeland Security, complain that the legislators must not be allowed to interfere with their programs, products and profits, paying only lip-service to the Constitution’s protections and rights for the private person. This author has personally seen this happen within corporations and at the state legislative level.

Don’t take the chip! Blog! Write! Educate! Protest! Legislate!

Legislation #1 • Draw a clear bright line in the “sand” - Help pass“The Bodily Integrity Act” in your state: Wisconsin, North Dakota, California and Oklahoma have all passed legislation banning the forced implantations of microchips in humans. Florida, Colorado, Arizona and Ohio are considering the issue.

To find the model legislation, please go to Then, look up your legislators and ask them to sponsor the bill or support bills already being considered. The Bodily Integrity Act can be downloaded as a PDF file from the above link. A sample letter is also available to help you get started.

When you read The Bodily Integrity Act you will notice that it clearly delineates the microchip device from the act of tracking the device. This is a critical issue because, as is already being seen, the “device” is not limited to the current VeriChip microchip, but could literally be “any means, any item, application, device, marking, or other technology capable of storing or passively or actively transmitting an individual’s identity, characteristics, status, group membership, travel history, or location, or capable of storing or transmitting a number, symbol, signal, pattern, or other identifier that could be linked with any such information.”

This cannot be over-emphasized as there are really two critical issues at stake:
1, the forcible implantation of a device on or in a person is a clear violation of our 1st and 4th amendment rights. And 2, tracking a person based on any device or characteristic is also a clear violation of our 4th amendments rights and potentially our 1st amendments rights if our particular religion is “why” we are being “tracked.”

If you have never contacted your legislators before, you might feel a bit nervous. Just take a deep breath and remember who they work for — you! Get on the Internet or the telephone and let them know your views. If you need assistance in any step of this process help is only a click or two away and can be obtained through the same link.

Legislation #2 • Help stop the implementation of the Real ID Act. Using the same skills and determination you used to contact legislators on the Anti-Human Chipping issue, make Real ID the next agenda item to take up with your legislators. There are some wonderful websites to help you on this cause:,,,

Educate – Your Legislators • Let your state and federal legislators know that you will not take the chip or allow your family to have the chips implanted. Tell them why and be sure to share a copy of Republic magazine with them as well as the website.

Educate – Friends, Family, Community • It is way too late to be shy! Now is the time when you must be willing to risk being politically incorrect – invite, share, coerce, do whatever it takes to communicate this information – their future rides on this as well.

Educate – Yourself • While you are sharing your wealth of knowledge, don’t forget to nurture your own freedom loving mind with great material, with great reading, radio, DVDs and “web surfing!” It is important to stay current on the issue of RFID and tracking technologies.

Blog • Blah, blah, blah on the blogs! You do not have to be “captain and commander,” “gatekeeper of all knowledge,” and “emperor of Homeland Security” to know that your civil rights are in “check-mate.” Establish your own blog (an easy way is or comment on other blogs about these important issues. Anywhere and everywhere you go on the Internet, share your message loud and clear. Contact the Media • Contact your local, regional and national papers, television and radio channels and web news.Write letters to the editor and send them to your local paper —they really work!

Write To the Companies and Associations • Send a personal letter to companies and associations that provide products and services to people that might be first in line to receive “the cancer chip.” At this time, over 600 hospitals are capable of “reading” the VeriChip. Other associations might include those affiliated with elder care, disabled care, prison directors and even Homeland Security.

Advertise • If you are financially well off, consider placing an ad in a regional or national paper or magazine or other publication to call attention to the encroachment of our civil rights.

Find Alternatives • If you have a loved one who might need immediate access to their medical records, try the MedicAlert® Foundation. They have over 50 years of experience in the emergency response business.

Lobby • Yes —anyone can do it. Many of our legislators attempt to introduce bills to protect privacy and or stop any attempts to force human chipping. If they are not in “someone’s pocket,” they are usually fighting alone against corporate lobbyists and technology companies and even Homeland Security. Very few members of “We the People” ever show up to rally our support for them. Assist them by reviewing legislation and suggesting changes as needed to help craft tight, well-written legislation. Help them build a solid constituency of other legislators in agreement. This takes work, but you can do it from home, over the Internet and on the telephone if you can’t get to your state capital.

This is critical if we want our “good” elected people to succeed. They will be happy to work with you if you are part of the “solution” rather than the “problem.” Most of them are overworked and under-staffed — help them succeed for you and your family. If you need help, give us a shout at

Hold the Moral High Ground
We know instinctively that control of government encroachment is critical at this juncture. Technical capabilities are expanding so rapidly that holding them up to the prism of Constitutional freedoms is beyond most of our abilities. This does not change our freedoms, nor does it release us from the responsibility to self-govern.

While no one at the time the Constitution was written could have visualized the ease of identification and tracking provided by a microchip, it would only have encouraged our forefathers to place even more rigid restrictions on the federal government. Our forefathers would be dismayed to see so many of us happily being “frog boiled.”

By Leslie Simons

The Constitutional Militia, Slavery & Contemporary “Gun Control”

The Constitutional Militia, Slavery & Contemporary “Gun Control”

Studying the Colonial and State Militia Acts of the 1600s and 1700s reveals a stark divergence between the principles of the constitutional “Militia of the several States” and the principles of contemporary “gun control.“ Not entirely obvious, though, yet crucial to the survival of freedom in America, is what this divergence represents.

The fundamental operational principle of the constitutional Militia is that everyone who is physically able is required to be armed— with his own personal military-grade firearm, ammunition, and necessary accoutrements in his own possession at home— and ready to repel invasions, suppress rebellions and insurrections, and enforce the laws, especially against usurpation and tyranny.

The Colonial and State Militia Acts of the pre-constitutional period generally did exempt from routine Militia musters and training some people who held high public offices or who engaged in particularly important professions or trades. Nonetheless, most of these individuals were required by law to arm themselves and to appear for service during “alarms.“ For a typical example, Georgia’s Militia Act of 1755 mandated that:

“…every able Male person from the age of Sixteen to Sixty years who has once resided & shall be [within] this province for the space of Three Months (Slaves excepted) is * * * lyable to bear Arms * * * [17] except the several persons herein after particularly mentioned who shall be excused and exempted from appearing at General and Ordinary Musters, * * * (that is to Say) all * * * members of his Majesty’s Council & their Officers, * * * the members of the Assembly * * * and their Officers, the Chief Justice & Justices of the Court of common Pleas, the Attorney General, the Attorneys of the said Court, the Clerk of the Crown and Pleas, the provost Marshall, the Master and Register of the high Court of Chancery * * *, the Judge of the Vice Admiralty, the Officers of his Majesties Customs, the Surveyor General of his Majesties Lands in this province, the Clergy, the Chatechist of Savannah * * *, [the] Public Treasurer, powder receiver, Comptrollers, Waiters and Commissary, * * * his Majesties Justices of the peace * * *, Provided, that all the[se] persons * * * (the members of his Majesty’s Honorable Council and of the Assembly, and their Officers & the pilots and Ferrymen only excepted) shall in the Time of Rebellion, Insurrection or Actual Invasion, attend under the proper Colors of the Company * * *, completely Armed and Furnished * * *[18], on pain of Forfeiting them Sum of Ten pounds Sterling.”[1]

These special exemptions, however, were matters of statutory grace, not of legal right. Militiamen were not volunteers. “[E]very able Male person from the age of Sixteen to Sixty years” was required to serve. And to be excused required a special reason recognized by the legislature.

Georgia’s Militia Act of 1755 illustrates the general requirements enforced throughout the Colonies and independent States, that:

“. . . the Captains * * * shall * * * enlist and enroll, the names of all the Male Inhabitants of this province, from the Age of Sixteen to Sixty years * * *, and th[os]e persons * * * shall be obliged to appear at Musters * * * [E]very person lyable to appear and bear Arms at any Muster, exercise or training * * * shall constantly keep * * * at his usual place of abode, and bring with him at such muster Exercise or training one Gun or Musquet fit for Service, one Cartridge Box with at least nine Cartridges filled with good Gun powder and Ball that shall fit his Piece, a Horn or Flask containing at least [12] a quarter of a pound of Gun Powder and a Shott Pouch with Bullets proportionable to the Gun powder, * * * one Worm, and Picker, four spare Flints, a Bayonet Sword or hatchet of the fitness and sufficiency of which Arms, every Commanding Officer of the Company * * * is * * * to be the Judge. “* * * [I]n case any person lyable to appear and bear arms * * * shall neglect or refuse to appear completely armed and furnished * * * at any General Muster * * * every Such person shall forfeit & pay a Sum not exceeding ten Shillings Sterling, and in case any such person shall neglect or refuse to appear * * * at every ordinary Muster every such person shall forfeit, and pay a Sum not exceeding five Shillings * * *. “* * * [I]t shall and may be Lawfull for the Commission Officers * * *, Six times in a year, * * * at any convenient time of the Day to repair to the places of residence, of any person or persons, as well those persons who are obliged to appear, on alarms, as to other persons lyable to bear arms, * * *[13] and to demand a sight of their Arms, Furniture, Ammunition and Accoutrements * * *, and in case persons, shall refuse to produce, any such Arms, Furniture, Ammunition and Accoutrements, or to Suffer the same to be viewed and inspected, or if when produced the said Officers shall find the same defective * * * [they may] Fine every person offending * * * in any Sum not exceeding five Shillings Sterling * * *.”[2]

As this statute shows, the duty to keep and bear arms had no limitation or qualification, but obliged every male inhabitant from 16 to 60 years of age to arm himself and appear for musters, training, and service in the field. The lower and upper boundaries of age the statute set on the duties to arm, muster, train, and serve were intended only to reflect practical presumptions about physical ability and psychological maturity, not to impose arbitrary discriminations. Georgia’s Militia Act specifically called to service men from 16 to 60 years of age with the expectation that they would prove both capable in skills and sufficient in numbers to do what was required of them. But those boundaries were never meant to be exclusive. Neither in Georgia nor in any other Colony or independent State did any Militia Act ever decree that any free and loyal person under 16 or over 60 (or whatever the particular ages happened to be) could not possess a firearm, ammunition, and accoutrements suitable for Militia service (or any other legitimate purpose, for that matter). Or that anyone between 16 and 60 who was physically unable to train or serve in the field could not possess a firearm. Or that anyone over 60 could not volunteer for Militia service, or would never be required to serve in case of an “alarm.“ Or even that women could not possess — and, if absolutely necessary in an emergency, use firearms for the common defense or self-defense.

The Militia Acts of pre-constitutional times mandated no licensing requirements for the inhabitants’ private possession of arms. They established no general control over firearms by public officials —to the contrary, firearms were required to be in every man’s own hands, “at his usual place of abode.“ No one worried about being punished for possessing a firearm and ammunition — rather, penalties attached for not having them always available, in good working order. No one feared that public officials would conduct house-to-house searches to find and take away armaments —instead, “a sight” could be demanded only to make sure that every man actually had immediately accessible to him at home a suitable, functioning firearm and ammunition for his own personal use. And public officials were concerned, not that the people possessed too many firearms, but that they had too few.[3]

None of this was extraordinary, in the political context. The pre-constitutional Militia Acts enforced the duty of each individual to keep and bear arms which derived from, and put into general effect for the benefit of society as a whole, the unalienable right of each individual to keep and bear arms for personal self-defense — what the Founding Fathers’ legal mentor, William Blackstone, called “the natural right of resistance and self-preservation, when the sanctions of society and laws are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression.“[4] Indeed, if Americans had enjoyed no right to keep and bear arms— that is, no legal claim to arm themselves against the contrary commands of public officials— they could never have imagined themselves entitled, empowered, or enabled to employ arms to suppress, oppose, or even deter usurpation and tyranny.

The principle in operation was that the only truly free men are armed men, because an armed citizenry is necessary to maintain a free society. As the Second Amendment came to summarize the idea, “[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. A “free State” is one with “[a] well regulated Militia;“ and “[a] well regulated Militia” is one composed of all “the people” actually exercising their “right * * * to keep and bear Arms,“ with no “infringe[ment]“ by public officials. Arms in every citizen’s personal possession are the precondition for freedom, freedom the hoped-for consequence of such possession (if the Militia do their part). And public officials can do nothing to interfere with such possession, being limited in their authority to ensuring that, through and in the Militia, everyone obtains and maintains private possession of firearms suitable for defending individual liberty and social order.

In Georgia, however, as in most Colonies and independent States, not everyone was free to possess firearms, because not everyone was free in other ways. As the Militia Act of 1755 itself recited, “every able Male person from the age of Sixteen to Sixty years who has once resided & shall be [within] this province for the space of Three Months (SLAVES EXCEPTED) is * * * lyable to bear Arms.“ Thus, the emphasized words turn the researcher to the Colonial law of slavery. Georgia’s Slavery Act of 1765, for example, explained itself on the rather blatant theory of legalistic oppression that:

“Slavery has been introduced and allowed in His Majesty’s Colonies in America and * * * Power over such Slaves ought to be settled and limited by positive Laws, so that the Slaves may be kept in due Subjection and Obedience * * * [.]”[5] The Act went on to provide “. . . [t]hat it shall not be lawful for any Slave unless in the presence of some White Person to carry and make use of Fire Arms or any offensive Weapon whatsoever Unless such Slave shall have a Tickett or Licence in Writing from his Master, Mistress or Overseer to hunt * * * and that such Licence be renewed once every Month, or unless there be some White Person of the Age of sixteen years or upwards in the Company of such Slave when he is hunting or Shooting, or that such Slave be actually carrying his Master’s Arms to or from his Master’s Plantation by a special Tickett for that purpose, or unless such Slave be found in the Day time actually keeping off Birds within the Plantation to which such Slave belongs lodging the same Gun at Night within the dwelling-House of his Master, Mistress, or white Overseer. PROVIDED ALSO That no Slave shall have Liberty to carry any Gun, Cutlass, Pistol or other Offensive Weapon abroad at any Time, between Saturday Evening after Sun-set and Monday Morning before Sun rise Notwithstanding a Licence or Tickett for so doing, and in Case any Person shall find any Slave using or carrying fire-Arms or other Offensive Weapon contrary to * * * this Act, such Person may lawfully seize and take away such Offensive Weapon or fire-Arms * * * [.]”[6]

The connection between theory and practice in this statute was as inevitable as it was obvious. Those “kept in due Subjection and Obedience” could not be suffered to possess firearms without strict supervision and restraint, lest they attempt to employ those firearms to free themselves from that “Subjection and Obedience.“ So, slaves’ access to and use of firearms were strictly “licensed” or otherwise controlled, in order:
• to minimize the number of firearms available to them;
• to keep track of which slaves had access to which firearms and for what purposes;
• to limit the uses to which slaves could put firearms;
• to make sure that the selfsame firearms made available to slaves during the day were returned to their masters’ control “at Night” (when, presumably, the danger of insurrection was most acute); and
• to subject to seizure all unlicensed firearms, and any firearms possessed outside of permissible places or during prohibited periods.

Under some circumstances, though, even slaves could be armed for service with the Militia during emergencies. For example, Georgia’s Militia Act of 1755 allowed:

” . . . [t]hat [certain] Slaves [whom their masters deemed particularly reliable] * * * shall in Time of General Alarm and Actual Invasion * * * & not otherwise be armed by the respective Owners * * * with one sufficient Gun, one Hatchet, powder Horn and Shott Pouch, with Ammunition of powder and Bullets, for twenty Rounds, and Six Spare Flints, and Shall be Sent * * * to the place of Randezvous of the respective Company’s * * * and instead of a pecuniary fining, such Slaves for Breach or neglect of duty, shall be subject to * * * Corporal punishment * * *.” [7]

And meritorious service was rewarded. For

” . . . every Negroe or other Slave * * * who shall actually engage the Enemy, in times of Invasion * * *, and Shall * * * kill any one of the Enemy, or take a prisoner alive or Shall take any of their Colours * * * shall be * * * free and absolutely discharged from all Slavery * * * whatsoever, and the Owner * * * of such * * * Slaves * * * shall be sattisfyed for the full Value [thereof] * * * out of the public Treasury[.]” [8]

This remained the practice on the eve of the War of Independence.[9]

Nonetheless, armed service with the Militia depended entirely on a slave’s proven political reliability, as evidenced by his master’s recommendation. No one else in Colonial America required a recommendation from some alleged superior before he could possess a military-grade firearm; and no one else could keep and bear such a firearm only “in Time of General Alarm and Actual Invasion * * * & not otherwise.“ That the only general exception in Colonial statutes to the right of individuals to keep and bear arms applied exclusively to slaves supports three conclusions:
• First, the principle of slavery—that men “kept in due Subjection and Obedience” must be disarmed— is the opposite of and antagonistic to the principle of the Militia — that free men are armed.
• Second, general “gun control”— whereby most individuals in society are disarmed unless “licensed” or otherwise regulated by some select group of supposed superiors— is destructive of the Militia.
• Third, general “gun control” can be justified only on the theory that the individuals disarmed are thereby rightfully to be “kept in due Subjection and Obedience.“

Now, the exception to the right of individuals to keep and bear arms found in the Slave States—namely, that those States could completely and permanently disarm the class of individuals held in bondage— continued after ratification of the Constitution, because slavery persisted in those States. And, as the Militia remained “the Militia of the several States,“ even Congress could not employ its power under Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 to arm slaves in contradiction of State laws that sanctioned “the peculiar institution.“ Therefore, Congress never attempted to do so.

In 1865, however, the Thirteenth Amendment outlawed slavery in most cases: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Because slavery was, as Georgia’s statute of 1765 attested, a matter of “positive law”— that is, because the legal existence of slavery required a statute within the competence of the legislature to enact — when the Thirteenth Amendment limited the imposition of slavery to “a punishment for crime” it necessarily stripped both the State legislatures and Congress of any purported power to impose slavery or any of its peculiar “badges and incidents” for any other purpose.

General “gun control” was an important “badge and incident” of slavery— indeed, the most crucial of all, because without it the slaves could not possibly have been “kept in due Subjection and Obedience.“ Therefore, today the Thirteenth Amendment must outlaw all general “gun control,“ except as to those individuals who have actually been “duly convicted” of “crime” and for their “punishment” have been sentenced to a term of “slavery [ ]or involuntary servitude,“ during which they may be “kept in due Subjection and Obedience” by being disarmed, even after being released from prison. (What violations of law may rightfully be considered a “crime” deserving of “slavery or involuntary servitude” is, however, another question. Arguably, a “felony” as understood in the Colonies— that is, “an offence which occasions a total forfeiture of either lands or goods, or both, at the common law; and to which capital or other punishment may be superadded, according to the degree of guilt”[10] — could qualify.) In any event, the Thirteenth Amendment’s implicit limitation on general “gun control” puts sharp teeth in the explicit guarantee of the Second Amendment that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.“ For vanishingly few Americans would knowingly tolerate the imposition of any of the “badges and incidents” of “slavery or involuntary servitude” as “punishment” for any but the most serious “crime[s]“ and the most hardened, recidivistic offenders.

And teeth are surely necessary, in light of the parallels between the law of slavery as it applied to firearms and contemporary proposals for general “gun control”:

• The law of slavery denied slaves any legal right to possess firearms, and minimized
the number of arms available to them. Contemporary “gun control” presumes that Congress and the State legislatures enjoy the power to disarm anyone and everyone,
invents more and more classes of individuals to be disqualified from possessing firearms, and designates more and more types of firearms, the private possession of
which is to be forbidden.
• The law of slavery carefully tracked which slaves had access to which firearms and
for what purposes. Contemporary “gun control” demands that common Americans must be “licensed” to possess firearms, and must “register” those they possess.
• The law of slavery limited to such non-military activities as hunting the uses to which slaves could put firearms. Contemporary “gun control” seeks to ban all firearms for which politicians and bureaucrats claim to see no “sporting” purposes — especially those of proven military value, such as so-called “assault weapons,“ .50 BMG caliber rifles, and accurate high-powered rifles with telescopic sights (now being demonized in the media as “sniper rifles”).
• The law of slavery required that the firearms slaves were allowed to use during the day always be returned to their masters’ control every night. Contemporary “gun control” proposes that all privately owned firearms be secured in governmentally supervised storage until withdrawn for governmentally approved “sport,“ and then promptly returned.
• The law of slavery subjected to seizure all unlicensed firearms in slaves’ hands, and any firearms slaves possessed outside of permissible places or during prohibited periods. Contemporary “gun control” insists on nothing less for everyone except the Armed Forces and the police, as well as confiscation of all firearms of prohibited types in private hands.

These parallels illustrate that general “gun control” is nothing less than a political program aimed at re-imposing the most crucial “badge and incident” of slavery on everyone other than an elitist leadership class and its armed guardians, in order thereby to remove the ultimate deterrent to and defense against that class’s usurpation and tyranny, and keep common Americans perpetually “in due Subjection and Obedience.“ (A slave, of course, can never complain of usurpation or tyranny, because slavery is the very perfection of usurpation and tyranny.)

Nowhere in America are these parallels more glaring and shocking than in the District of Columbia. The District prides itself on being a city in which African-Americans, the vast majority of whom are probably to some degree descendants of Southern slaves, hold high political, economic, and social positions. And it is the Nation’s Capital. Yet, all of this notwithstanding, the residents of the District of Columbia suffer from “gun control” that in its thoroughgoing oppressiveness embodies the essence of the exorbitant powers claimed by antebellum Southern slavery.

How is one to explain this antinomy? The time for correction is running out, for all of us together.

1, AN ACT For Regulating the Militia of this province and for the Security and better Defence of the same, 24 January 1755, in THE COLONIAL RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, VOLUME XVIII, STATUTES ENACTED BY THE ROYAL LEGISLATURE OF GEORGIA FROM ITS FIRST SESSION IN 1754 TO 1768 (compiled and published by A.D. Candler; Atlanta, Georgia: C.P. Byrd, 1910), at 16-18.
2, Ibid. at 11-13.
3, See, e.g., H.R. McIlwaine, Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia (Richmond, Virginia, 1925), Volume 2, at 333-34, which reprints an order of the Governor and Council that arms imported by the government from England should be sold to the colonists at 12.5% over cost.
4, Commentaries on the Laws of England (American Edition. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: R. Bell, 1771), Volume 1, at 144.
5, AN ACT For the better Ordering and Governing Negroes and other Slaves in this Province and to prevent the inveigling or carrying away Slaves from their Masters or Employers, 25 March 1765, in THE COLONIAL RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, VOLUME XVIII, at 649.
6, Ibid. at 668.
7, AN ACT For Regulating the Militia of this province and for the Security and better Defence of the same, 24 January 1755, in THE COLONIAL RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, VOLUME XVIII, at 40.
8, Ibid. at 43.
9, See AN ACT For the better ordering the Militia, 29 September 1773, THE COLONIAL RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, VOLUME XIX (PART I), STATUTES, COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY, 1768 TO 1773 (compiled and published by A.D. Candler; Atlanta, Georgia: C.P. Byrd, 1911), at 324-29.
10, W. Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, Volume 4, at 95. Followed in Ex parte Wilson, 114 U.S. 417, 423 (1885).

Edwin Vieira, Jr., holds four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and J.D. (Harvard Law School). For more than thirty years he has practiced law, with emphasis on constitutional issues. In the Supreme Court of the United States he successfully argued or briefed the cases leading to the landmark decisions.