Thursday, June 26, 2008

Protect Individual Rights

End the Domestic Police State

On September 11, 2001, criminals in control of the U.S. government orchestrated a false flag terror attack against the American people in order to justify the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. George W. Bush blamed Osama Bin Laden and his so-called Al-Qaeda terror network for the attacks. Using Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda as a scapegoat, Bush launched a global war on terror despite having no substantial proof that Islamic terrorists were actually behind the attacks.

Bush not only invaded and occupied two foreign countries under the guise of fighting this terror war, but used this false flag terror attack to push forward a domestic militarized police state agenda.This was facilitated with legislation such as the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and the now pending Homegrown Terrorism and Violent Radicalization Act of 2007. It h as also been facilitated with numerous unconstitutional directives and orders like National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51) which makes the president a dictator over all three branches of government during a catastrophic emergency. Bush has already organized the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as well as U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), both of which are being utilized to setup a 21st century technological enslavement system for the American people.

In order to restore freedom to this nation, these pieces of legislation need to be shredded, these unconstitutional directives overturned, and these unconstitutional governmental institutions abolished. If we simply followed the Constitution and educated people on the true nature of criminality in the federal government, we could dismantle the domestic police state.

Following the 9/11 attacks, one of the first pieces of legislation proposed to support the phony war on terror was HR 3162, otherwise known as the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism or Patriot Act of 2001. Members of Congress weren’t even given time to read the legislation before they voted on it. Despite this, the legislation passed overwhelmingly in the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. It is incredibly shocking how such a large group of people could vote in favor of a piece of legislation that they didn’t even read. This alone speaks volumes at the quality of representation that we have in Congress.

There was a good reason as to why Congress wasn’t given the opportunity to read it prior to the vote. The Patriot Act gave the executive branch draconian powers that shredded large portions of the Constitution. Section 802 of the Patriot Act provides a wide ranging and broad definition of domestic terrorism. It is so broad that even particular misdemeanor offenses can be considered domestic terrorism under its definition.

This wasn’t enough for the Bush administration as they attempted the passage of an even more draconian piece of legislation that would have fully destroyed the Constitution. In 2003 a document entitled the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 was secretly leaked from the Department of Justice. The document,which was referred to by many in the press as Patriot Act 2,would have essentially made the Bill of Rights null and void.The document outlined the creation of a DNA database of suspected terrorists, the creation of kangaroo courts for terrorists, immunity to law enforcement agents spying on the American people, the criminalization of news gathering, legalization of data mining without warrants, the federalization of local police agencies, the legalization of secret extradition of terror suspects to foreign countries, and the legalization of a vast array of other tyrannical powers. The legislation was eventually introduced as the Victory Act which contained many of the same provisions as the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003. Even though the legislation was not passed, the Bush administration has legally or illegally implemented a good amount of what was outlined in the Victory Act anyway.

The original Patriot Act which contained a five year sunset clause was officially renewed in 2006 under the guise of giving the government the tools they need to fight terrorists. Considering that the entire war on terror is a manufactured fraud, there is no question that the Patriot Act is being used not to fight terrorists but to enslave the American people through a broad definition of domestic terrorism.

Also in 2006, Bush signed the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which officially destroyed habeas corpus. Under this legislation, the government can legally strip American citizens of their citizenship who are accused of being terrorists which, in effect, removes any guaranteed protections that the accused individual has under the Constitution. The American Al-Qaeda videos depicting Adam Gadahn, also known as Adam Pearlman, has been used by the government and the media to propagandize how American citizens might be terrorists. What’s so ridiculous about these American Al-Qaeda videos is the fact that Pearlman is actually the grandson of Carl Pearlman, a former Anti-Defamation League (ADL) board member. The ADL is a major Israeli and Jewish lobbying group that makes the credibility of these so called American Al-Qaeda videos entirely laughable.That’s right folks. These Al-Qaeda video and audio tapes released after the 9/11 attacks are fakes, released or staged by our own intelligence apparatus in order to indirectly aid the president’s agenda.

As horrific as the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act of 2006 are, there is another piece of legislation currently pending action in the U.S. Senate that will allow the government to classify certain types of thoughts and belief systems as homegrown terrorism. The legislation called the Homegrown Terrorism and Violent Radicalization Act of 2007 will also establish a commission and a so called Center of Excellence to study and defeat thought criminals. Amazingly, this bill was passed by a vote of 404 to 6 in the U.S. House of Representatives. Each person who voted for this bill should be immediately thrown out of office. There is no question that this bill is entirely unconstitutional, and the fact that 404 of our so called representatives would vote in favor of this is proof that they have willingly violated their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. The U.S. Senate version of the bill is currently pending action as S 1959. It is imperative that this legislation get defeated; otherwise, the executive branch will be able to use it to go after people in the alternative media who are saying things about the government that they don’t particularly like.

Beyond these tyrannical pieces of legislation, the Bush administration has set up two unconstitutional institutions following the 9/11 attacks which openly threaten liberty and are serving to set up a militarized police state. These institutions are serving to implement the tyranny which is clearly outlined in these pieces of legislation.

Let’s first take a look at U.S. Northern Command, a military command set up in 2002,whose stated mission is to assist local, state and federal authorities with defense support. Their mission was at first limited by the Posse Comitatus Act that forbids domestic law enforcement by the military. However, since that point in time, the Bush administration signed the 2006 and 2007 Defense Authorization Acts that essentially overturned this 19th century law. This has opened the door for USNORTHCOM to implement an apparatus specifically built for the purpose of implementing martial law.

USNORTHCOM has admitted publicly that they are seeking closer ties with the Canadian and Mexican militaries as well as governmental and private institutions within all three countries. The informational release from USNORTHCOM entitled Vision 2020 outlines a long-term plan to implement a martial law apparatus for all three countries. It will essentially be the military domestic enforcement arm for North America as rules and regulations between the three nations are harmonized through the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). The SPP is outright treason on the part of Bush as Congress did not approve this agreement which is serving to dissolve our borders and move the North American region into a regional government similar to the European Union. To make matters worse, USNORTHCOM chief officer General Gene Renuart has already signed an agreement with Canada Command allowing the Canadian military to enter the United States during a civil emergency and the U.S. military to enter Canada in a similar scenario. This agreement, like the SPP, is also illegal as it was not approved by Congress as the Constitution demands.

USNORTHCOM has already assisted different government agencies in disaster relief and admitted to using the Hurricane Katrina disaster as a test laboratory to better improve their martial law capabilities. During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, militarized police roamed New Orleans and tested the limits with unconstitutional gun confiscations. By using USNORTHCOM in these different roles, it is serving to socially engineer the general public to accept military personnel enforcing domestic law here in the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was also officially formed in 2002 and is another threat to liberty in this nation.This institution, announced by Bush shortly after the 9/11 attacks, was sold to the American people as a way to more efficiently fight terrorists. In reality, this institution is focusing on setting up a technological police state by funding the militarization of local police, setting up closed circuit TV grids in major cities, implementing a national ID card, setting up license plate scanners, implementing absurd search procedures at airports, and other measures that are turning this country into a third world police state. Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the DHS, is attempting to set up an internal checkpoint in the middle of Vermont to look for terrorists.

It is a matter of public record that the Bush administration is attempting to set up a militarized police state in which they can accuse anybody of being a terrorist and have the legal excuse to lock them up indefinitely. They are attempting to define terms like “homegrown terrorism” and “domestic terrorism” as far ranging and as broadly as they can so they can arrest political dissidents and other people protesting their tyrannical rule. There is no question that this country is slowly turning into what Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union used to be and, if something isn’t done about it, we will be permanently living in the Fourth Reich.

In general, the solution to defeating this militarized police state is very simple. We need a dramatic reduction in the size of the federal government and the removal of all unconstitutional laws, orders and directives. It is through big government and the failure to follow the Constitution that has resulted in the federal government funding this militarized police state.

More specifically, we need to overturn legislation like the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act and others. We also need to ensure that S 1959 is not passed by the U.S. Senate and signed by the president. In addition, we need to abolish the domestic enslavement apparatus by shattering the DHS and USNORTHCOM into a million pieces. The U.S. military should be strictly forbidden from operating in the streets of the United States and Posse Comitatus restored. There also needs to be an investigation into NSPD-51 and the continuity of government plans which have been kept from Congress. Amazingly, the Bush administration has refused to share the contents of this directive with the U.S. House’s Homeland Security Committee. This is entirely unacceptable. This is a free country not a dictatorship, and the contents of this directive need to be made public.

People also need to be educated on the fact that the official 9/11 story and the war on terror is a complete fraud.The 9/11 Commission Report failed to answer a number of questions as to what actually happened that day. To top it off, nobody was held accountable for what was one of the largest military failures in U.S. history.

In addition, how is it that the Pentagon, which is supposed to be one of the most well- defended buildings in the world, managed to be successfully attacked after it was clear that a deliberate terrorist attack took place in New York earlier in the day? Why is it that we have seen the rise of a domestic militarized police state and the acceptance of perpetual war based on an official story that simply does not add up? Why is it that every Osama Bin Laden video and audio tape since the 9/11 attacks are provable fakes and all of these so called Al-Qaeda video and audio tapes come from CIA front groups like IntelCenter with no definitive source? Here’s another question, why haven’t Jenna and Barbara Bush volunteered for the military? If terrorists are really threatening our way of life, you would think that these two young ladies would sign up and support their father’s war of terror.

Even if you don’t believe that 9/11 was an inside job, you have to ask why they aren’t sealing the borders to prevent terrorists from coming in. The U.S. State Department has even said that people should be aware of militarized combat in areas around the U.S.-Mexico border. It is a joke that we have to fight Al-Qaeda on the other side of the world when we have a real threat to this nation in our own backyard and nothing is being done about it. In fact, Bush has demoralized the U.S. Border Patrol by allowing two border agents to go to jail for shooting a drug trafficker who was unlawfully crossing the border.

Besides getting rid of the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Northern Command, other institutions that are facilitating the enslavement of the American people must be abolished as well. In fact, 95% if not more of the federal government should be abolished. Most importantly, there should be an investigation into The Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service which are looting the American people through inflation and a draconian tax system that is helping to fund this enslavement apparatus. Law enforcement should be handled on as local level as possible and the militarization of police needs to end now.

Although this piece focuses in on the phony war on terror which is being used as the primary excuse to set up this domestic police state, the war on drugs also needs to be addressed.The war on drugs has given rise to agencies like the Drug Enforcement Agency which is furthering the police state agenda through this ridiculous anti-drug agenda. The government has no right to govern what you decide to put in your body. Therefore, we need an immediate decriminalization of drugs so police do not have the excuse to seize people’s property and put people in jail for merely possessing a substance the government doesn’t want you to have.The war on drugs has resulted in this country having more people in prison percentage wise than any other country on the face of the earth. It is just as much a fraud as the phony terror war as it is admitted that the CIA and other government agencies profit from the black market in drugs that is facilitated by the drug laws themselves. There’s no question that the bogus war on drugs helped push forward the domestic police state prior to the fraudulent terror war and should be ended as well.

The bottom line is that the war on terror is as much a fraud as it is actually a war of terror. The real solution is educating people on how it is a fraud so we can move forward in abolishing the pieces of legislation and institutions that are being used to dismantle the Constitution. At that point, maybe we can get some people into Congress who will actually investigate all of this insanity. Currently we have a bunch of people in Congress who have voting records that socialists, fascists, communists and collectivists would happily approve of. If we don’t take action now, freedom and liberty will no longer exist in the so called land of the free.

By Lee Rogers

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