Stop a National Database From Ever Being Used
“The man who trades freedom
for security does not deserve
nor will he ever receive either.”
—Benjamin FranklinThe Real ID Act is clearly
unconstitutional for
at least four reasons:
1 • It is blatant in its
disregard for constitutional
guarantees of privacy.
2 • The Real ID runs
roughshod over states’
rights, violating 10th
Amendment guarantees.
3 • It forces millions of
Americans to violate
their religious beliefs.
4 • It places conditions on
the inalienable rights of life,
liberty and the pursuit
of happiness.Privacy–4th Amendment
The 4th Amendment states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” In 1999, Scott McNealy, the chief executive officer of Sun Microsystems, told a group of reporters and analysts, “You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it.” With this one flippant statement, McNealy was willing to forever flush down the toilet the constitution’s protections against government “snooper-vision.” Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is obviously willing to do the same. The Real ID Act mandates that Americans must give a picture of their birth certificates, social security cards, and a digitized picture of their faces for the purpose of biometric identification—all required to obtain their national ID cards. All of this information must then be entered into the database of the state’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles. This database then must be linked to the databases of the other 49 states, creating a national database containing the records of every American. This national database would then be available for exercising control over the activities of every citizen. At this point, Mr. Chertoff would vigorously object on several points, as he has done: 1. “Real ID is not a national ID card,”he would say. 2. “There will not be a national database created.” 3. “There is no way that Homeland Security intends to use Real ID to control people. Our only purpose is to keep them secure.” These objections sound reassuring. The problem is... they are all blatantly false! Let’s examine them one by one.“The Real ID card is not a national ID card.”
Let’s keep this real simple. Question #1: Is this an ID card? Everyone, including Mr. Chertoff, would say yes, of course. Question #2: Was this created by a city law, a state law or a national law? Well, by a national law, obviously. Then it is a national ID card! It’s as simple as that. No double talk; no deceit; just the truth. The Real ID card is a national ID card!Homeland Security Act of 2002:
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the
development of a national identification system or card.
“There will be no national database created.”
The simplest among us understand that when the databases of all 50 states are linked, as the Real ID Act mandates, you have just created a national database. The entire justification for the linking of all databases is so that the DMVs of each state can access the records of the other 49 states. But Homeland Security says, “Trust us. We would never access such a database.” They say this at the very same time they are fighting tooth and nail for unwarranted surveillance of phone calls, emails, and Internet activity. Sorry. We don’t believe you. Furthermore, we have a confession from Homeland Security itself that its ultimate goal is the establishment of a national database. In Section 707 (B) of the 2007 Immigration Bill, a national database is called for. Here’s the quote: “The creation of a unified database to be maintained by the Department of Homeland Security and comprised of data from the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security…” This section was titled Employment Eligibility Verification and was authored by Homeland Security itself. Thankfully, it went down to defeat…but they certainly tried, didn’t they? And they are still trying.
“Real ID and its database will not be used to control people.”
If a person refuses to have a national ID card, he or she will not be able to drive a car, since the states will force compliance to Real ID in order to get your driver’s license. The person will not be able to board an airplane, enter a federal building where ID is required, open a bank account, or hold a job (if Homeland Security has its way).
The Immigration Bill mandated that every person be required to have a national ID card in order to obtain or hold a job in America. Each employer would have been required to swipe the individual’s ID card through a card-reading mechanism that would have checked with Homeland Security’s database for permission to employ. This would have placed into the hands of Homeland Security the power to approve or deny the right to make a living. (See Section 707 A, B & C titled Employment Eligibility and Verification.)
No control? That is the ultimate control!
Real ID card will be a tracking device
The Real ID Act calls for the national ID card to be machine-readable. This means it could be swiped at the security lines at the airport, to purchase groceries, when applying for a job, to open a bank account, to enter a federal building…well, you get the picture. Every time you swipe your card, another record is created. Soon, each of us will be tracked 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Privacy? Get over it!
States’ rights–10th Amendment
The 10th Amendment states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The federal government of the United States is not given the power to issue drivers’ licenses or to regulate the issuance thereof. This power has always resided in the states. The Real ID Act mandates how drivers’ licenses are to be issued and how they must be designed. It is clearly unconstitutional!
Freedom of religion–1st Amendment
Millions of Americans are presently very disturbed by what the federal government is attempting to force them to do. There is a prophecy in the Bible that a time will come when people worldwide will be forced to receive a mark or a number without which they will be unable to buy or sell. It’s called the mark of the beast.
The prophecy is recorded in Revelation 13:15-18. It describes a time when a system of world government will be established on earth. (i.e.,Globalization, World Bank, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, World Court, World Community, International Monetary Fund, etc.) Conformity and obedience to this world government will be enforced by giving every person a number or a mark. Without this number, the person will not be able to
“Is life so dear, or peace so
sweet, as to be purchased
at the price of chains and
slavery? Forbid it, Almighty
God! I know not what
course others may take;
but as for me, give me
liberty or give me death!”
—Patrick Henrybuy or sell. In order to get this number, mark or ID card, a person will be required to submit to the edicts of the world government system.
The Real ID is the perfect mechanism for implementing such a system. And, by the way, nations all over the world are moving to set up national ID systems right now. Out of 192 nations on earth, 186 of them will have a national ID system in operation by 2010. I’m sure that all the nations moving to do this at the very same time is merely coincidental…don’t you think?
Economic sanction is the favorite tool of control for those who believe in world government. When the United Nations wants to force a nation to obey its edicts, it levies economic sanctions against that nation. Member nations of the UN are expected to not buy from or sell to the offending nation until it bows the knee in compliance to the resolutions of the UN Security Council. This power is presently being used against the nation of Iran in an attempt to force it to suspend its nuclear enrichment program.
A person’s identification number is what enables governmental control. An ID number in a national database places the individual under the power of the government. When the government can control whether you drive, fly or hold a job, freedom is over!
A TIME/CNN poll found that 59% of Americans believe the prophecies of the book of Revelation will come true. President Reagan was a student of Revelation and wondered if we might not be the generation that would see Armageddon.
According to scripture, all who take the mark of the beast will be punished by eternal damnation. As we have demonstrated above, Homeland Security intends to require the Real ID for obtaining or holding a job in America. How much buying or selling will we be able to do without a job?
Though the national ID may not be the mark of the beast today, it is obviously the mechanism whereby the mark of the beast will ultimately be implemented. Should 59% of Americans be put through the trauma of having to choose between a system that they believe is destined to become the mark of the beast or being unable to feed their families? It should never happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Remember—“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
According to the preamble to our Declaration of Independence, all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. One of them is the right to life. Do we have the right to life if the government has the power to deny us the right to make a living?Can we claim liberty when we are continually monitored and controlled by a national ID and tracked by surveillance cameras? Remember, control and liberty are opposite terms. You can have one or the other, but you can’t have both.
How can we possibly be happy when we can feel the electronic handcuffs of governmental supervision being snapped around our wrists? The government must never be handed the power to enslave us! The rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable!
There’s a reason why our forefathers have refused to implement a national ID for 230 years. It’s the same reason we should refuse it now! No national ID today! No national ID ever!
By Irvin Baxter
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