Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rotten Apples Rotten Oranges

The Advent of Alternatives for American Political Dualism

The most common American problem today is one of choice. The contemporary American choice is made by someone who is overworked and has little time left over from shopping to really compose a thought on their own.The average American has so much competing for their attention spans they often conclude they may not have the resources to think freely or make educated decisions on their own.
When you can’t afford to think, the two-part choice is what you can afford. This cultural cornering goes to the advantage of a select few who offer us polarizing choices: Conservative Right vs. Liberal Left, Minority vs. Majority, Rich vs. Poor, Democrat vs. Republican.Those who choose another path altogether may be marginalized, ignored, antagonized, or find themselves in fights over their choices.
The media, politicians and the public routinely under-estimate American political behavior. There is no low percentile of Americans who feel badly about the current state of public policy in 2008. Constituents are prepared to do something they have never had the courage to do before: vote, become active, and making time to participate in their government. A common misconception is that Americans lack qualified demands of the government they so dutifully employ with their taxable earnings. Elected officials often represent what and whom they intend to, whether the majority of constituents benefit or not. They are compensated with fame, acclaim and a large paycheck, paid for in part by you, to represent you. The process seems a little unfair.
Activists approach a vast stonewall when advocating positions about our addiction to war spending, the Constitution, Geneva Convention violations, torture, impeachment, illegal wiretapping, economic tampering, white collar criminal injustice, and of letting corporations shot-call for the average American. Americans actively in touch with their rights and ideals resist being sifted by those who will follow an overindulged militarized establishment where “might is right.”
Alone with their computers, constituents follow their inner wisdom investigating what it would be like to have something different from today’s rotten apple or a rotten orange offered by conventional politics. Public attention spans visit their flights of fancy on YouTube, social networking websites, and scads of news websites where they are finding ways to get exactly what they want and the personal connections to do so.
The Internet’s electric execution of ideas manages a massive departure from mainstream media’s well worn path of notoriety. Selfimportant and well endorsed pundits are viewed as ineffectual and blind to the facts and opinions of Americans whose trust they have lost. They have little incentive to recapture them. Rewards of power, money and place transfix media titans, leaving no incentive to depart from their conventions. After all, they are the ones on TV, not you.
The politics of marginalized party platforms like the Libertarians, the Greens, the Communists, and the Peace and Freedom party are almost never seen or reported on by the mainstream media networks. Historical information is on the Internet about the defunct Democratic Republican party. This party split into what is now known as the Democratic and Republican parties. Media blackouts about these facts and more are avoided as people turn to the
web and alternative press for information.
This is the composition of today’s political reality. Here we are facing the shouting accelerated versions of what we get to think, about and what we get to choose, in the hour of common political power. After the sound and lights go down, we still have a Constitution that gives us the right to stand as individuals for the issues that affect how we live our lives as Americans. Here are some key problem areas where people are tempted to blindly adopt one side of the political spectrum over another, and why.
The Problem of Racism, Gender Bias and Classism: These have been used to keep a “slave class” in place to serve an elite few. In the American dream, no one wants to scrub the toilets so we try to leave that to people who aren’t really citizens or those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our past has been addled with people forced into these roles by those settled in the U.S.: African Americans, Native Americans, Chinese, Irish, Italians, Russians, and now Mexican immigrants. Gender biases in the past have been used to oppress at least 50% of the American population, to the exclusive cultural advantage of a patriarchal elite. Racism and Gender Bias are very much present in America. They wear the evolved mask of commercial competition and rival networks. Violence has been deliberately instigated in minority communities to keep doubt available for those ready to indulge a classist fantasy based on nationalism, human skin tone, or archaic gender values.
The Problem of America’s Ill: Insurance companies duly compensated for health insurance are paid even more to deny you healthcare. This abandons the ill and handicapped to rely on overburdened social systems and their own resources to heal. Health care professionals are stuck in the middle. They are often restricted from serving the sick they intended to heal. Pharmaceutical and insurance companies take full advantage of the ill while lobbying Washington to look the other way. Those involved in a power jockey may seek to centralize health records and mandate healthcare. Relying on the government exclusively for healthcare resources can be a much scarier prospect if you are denied healthcare for whatever reason with no other options.
The Problem of Religion:While the Constitution protects freedom of religion, it would be foolish to ignore religion in world power and its influencein U.S. politics. Religious entitlements in government have crept up in U.S. politics, as they always have in world politics, because of their ability to lead critical masses of people. A glaring example is the GOP’s use of the Christian Coalition as a blatant steerage tool, declaring George Bush as “a Christian President.” It was a grossly presumptive calculation that mislead the political service of the Christian church and America. Too many Americans may have looked the other way, believing maybe their God would prevail and rule the elite. When to the contrary, the greedy and those willing to deceive the well intended spiritual ideals of a theocracy, are routinely used to perform the most depraved and unjust acts in wars without the reprehension of a natural conscience.
The Problem of Liberal Left vs. Conservative Right: It seems if you agree with any socialized ideals you may be pushed “left” by self described conservatives. If you have views about privacy and land rights that go against communal sensibilities, you may be marked as a “conservative” by professing liberals.The economic platforms of contemporary politics include display of visceral hissing and spitting contests between said liberals and conservatives. Neither view provides pragmatic solutions suited to every community all of the time. If you refuse the label of “liberal” or “conservative,” you have a situation where it is tough to participate in politics with much relevance in America.

“When you can’t afford to think, the two-part choice is what you can afford. This cultural cornering goes to the advantage of a select few who offer us polarizing choices: Conservative Right vs.Liberal Left, Minority vs. Majority, Rich vs. Poor, Democrat vs. Republican. Those who choose another pathaltogether may be marginalized, ignored, antagonized, or find themselves in fights over their choices.”

The Peoples Convention of Solutions to Name a Few...
So what’s an American to do with only two choices? Here are some scenarios created for the people, by the people.
The Solution of Racism, Gender Bias and Classism: Racism has been considered a false construct by American historians to engineer economic strides for an elevated class. As long as we understand why people are dehumanized we can increase the cause of an average man’s dignity. If we disallow immigrants and foreign nationals to do the jobs we can do ourselves, it then becomes a problem for global elitists. Previously under-classed minorities now function at every level of professional and economic power in America and should be held accountable for both triumphs and failures by the justice system. Communities and individuals should not allow anyone to be bullied on the basis of race or gender. Conversely, they should not allow gender and racial entitlements as a guarantee for professional or economic advancement. May the best person win!
The Solution for America’s Ill: Policy development on increased supplemental health insurance should be decided on by local communities and U.S. states, not the federal government. Criminal prosecution should haunt insurance companies guilty of defrauding the insured from proper care and the depraved indifference of pharmaceutical companies begging for malpractice bailouts. People following their own devices may turn to privatized and alternative healthcare or use the resources provided to them by their community without seeking the federal government’s permission.
The Solution for Religion: The people’s persistent invocation of the division of church and state is the best answer to the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion for all. Religious institutions should responsibly guard their
right to practice and draw defining lines for followers between spiritual powers and the offices of the U.S. government as provision for the individual. They are not qualified or equipped to run the U.S. government based exclusively on spiritual constituencies.The powerful in government who deliberately indulge in the deception and seduction of spiritual leaders should be identified and publicly humiliated for their disservice to the American people. Religious institutions that fall prey to the former need to be held accountable by their communities.
We saved the best for last
The Solution of Liberal Left vs. Conservative Right:The relevant vote for Americans has become the focus of election reform advocates. Voter advocacy programs have benefitted from movements like the Clean Money Campaign, where political contributions are closely monitored and reported to voters. Other efforts focus on the integrity of ballot counts. The dimensions of what happens to us and the results of our votes have become centerpiece of many documentary films. Many notable documentaries covering the last two general elections demonstrated voting fraud and disenfranchisement at U.S. polls.
The documentary, Washington, You’re Fired! approaches how voters can make their voice relevant again. Elected officials are shown taking an oath requirement to uphold the Constitution and to represent the views of the people. While doing neither, they faithfully collect their paycheck just the same.
We asked the director, William Lewis for solutions to what constituents face in the current two-party stalemate.
“The core solutions that we promote are: voting, participating in a(n) {activist} group, and running for office.We must collectively move ourselves away from the traps set by our political parties and the social issues that they claim to represent.The two big political parties in this country have grown far too accustomed to using social and religious issues to divide the American people into either the red corner or the blue corner.We’re told that we have to pick one or the other or else it’s simply a wasted vote.
“We’ve seen both Republicans and Democrats sign their names to bills that have collectively weakened large portions of the United States Constitution. It would seem logical to assume that if we are getting the same results from both political parties, then a vote for either party is actually a wasted vote. When you have a house full of representatives who can’t or won’t represent the will of the people, then you have no choice but to start all over again. If they can’t protect our rights and freedoms; then we have to go there and do it ourselves. People like you and me have to go fill those seats. If we don’t, it will simply be business as
usual in Washington, DC. “
Another option is to take a look at other nations who have been plagued with political dualism. In Brian Boyko’s upcoming film Importing Democracy, he examines New Zealand’s switch from a two party system in 1993.We asked Brian if a pilot of New Zealand’s systemic change in the U.S. system might work.
“I cannot say that Importing Democracy will present a true solution to America’s two-party system problem. I do not believe Americans, by and large, are aware that there are other ways of doing democracy —and those that are may be demoralized and believe that electoral systems cannot be changed ‘within the system.’ New Zealand’s experiences prove that it can be done.
If alternative voting systems were given their fair shot at the ballot box, but Americans prefer the system they currently have - I’d be disappointed but encouraged that that result was achieved in a democratic fashion.”
What is the best we can hope for?
“As Prof. Nigel Roberts at Victoria University of Wellington keenly pointed out, ‘...the greatest flaw with all political systems is that they end up electing politicians,’ ” said Boyko. Touche!


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