Friday, June 27, 2008

Return Our National Sovereignty

Globalization The Path to Tyranny

A person caught up in the blur of events, dished up by the purveyors of managed news reporting may not recognize an ever pervasive change of scenes going on backstage.What comes to mind when you hear the term “globalization?” Is it a good thing that hints at the promise of a social utopia, or is it, rather, a portent for doom? So what is this “New World Order?” Is it, in fact, something new at all, or does this catch phrase have significant historical precedent? Socialist collectivism, or this “New World Order” spoken of by Bush senior, has long been pursued by others before him who have sought to implement a utopian ideal.

The Problem
The promotion and eventual passage of GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) under the Reagan Administration was touted by the media as a necessary means to boost U.S. commerce and jobs by reducing barriers to international trade. After all, we all wanted to be able to purchase things cheaper, right? During G.H.W. Bush’s Administration, the president’s clarion call from the podium of the House chambers boldly ushered in the “New World Order.”

Then, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) was initiated by G.H.W. Bush and pushed through Congress during Clinton’s Administration, ostensibly to “encourage trade by eliminating tariffs on most goods originating in and traded between these [Canada, U.S. & Mexico] countries over a fifteen-year period.”1

More recently, under the current Bush Administration, the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) has been promoted with the claim that it will provide greater cooperation on security and economic issues. Clearly, there is an overall attempt in these three initiatives by participating countries to promote international trade between countries.We’ve been told by journalists, business and government that, “It’s a vital necessity for business and commerce in order to promote trade between countries.” However, is it actually designed to benefit citizens of the U.S. or is it a Trojan horse being pushed through our gates to entangle us in burdensome and unfair regulations, designed to lower our relative competitiveness as a sovereign and independent nation, thereby destroying our high standard of living to put our workers on par with those from neighboring third world countries while public/private corporate interests control the populace and the profits? In the long run, who really ends up on the short end of the deal?

What you don’t know can hurt you
The operational cloak the proponents of these initiatives are counting on hinges upon keeping the citizenry ignorant of the facts and distracted from considering the implications. Researching the details of treaties such as The North American Union, North American Free Trade Agreement and Security and Prosperity Partnership, reveals a frightening overall picture.

“[Our loss of liberty is through] ...a gradual process of salami slicing where the citizen is eventually subjugated to what is essentially a volunteeristic, quasi-judicial political body controlled by the political elite. It would be like putting a frog into the cold water and then gradually increasing the heat; if you put it into the hot water, it would jump out right away.”—Srdja Trifkovic, Ph.D.

Globalization vs. Globalism
For the purpose of clarity, it is first necessary to understand the terms being used. When using the term of globalization, it is not to be misconstrued to mean globalism which refers to “the belief that we share one fragile planet, the survival of which requires mutual respect and careful treatment of the earth and of all its people…” (Mark Ritchie, Globalization vs. Globalism).Globalization, on the other hand, simply put means the movement of corporate assets, factories and their products to various countries around the world for the purpose of minimizing production costs while maximizing profits.

One blogger, Ray Tapajna on, although using the term incorrectly when meaning globalization, states accurately, “Globalism means a centralization of control over the flow of commerce.When anything is centralized, it also centralizes all the negatives and make[s] them more of a rule rather than the exception. Survival of the fittest takes over. We also have international entities like the WTO that controls the flow of commerce outside of any real democratic process and act as if they are above individual nation’s laws.”

Historical Background
The scheming toward globalization actually began almost a hundred years ago. It was during the early 1900s that the likes of David Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Henry Ford and other wealthy dynasties such as the Vanderbilts and Rothschilds used their influence to manipulate commerce and banking to their favor. As G. Edward Griffin points out in his book, “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” it was Morgan and a cartel of other bankers who met to conspire for the purpose of creating The Federal Reserve, a non-governmental entity which was given the power to control interest rates and lend out funds to banks. It is the third, and current, central bank of the U.S. This was the first in a long, patient process which was intended to gradually dismantle the structure of our government, a republic, and move it toward a tyrannical state controlled by the “power elites” to serve their interests.

Identifying the Culprits
So, who are these “elites” referred to above who have a great deal of influence over our national foreign policies and global economy?Most of the public isn’t aware of this group because the media, being owned and controlled by them, are accomplices in not publicizing their regular meetings in various secluded, yet posh, resorts.They are an exclusive, invitation-only group of top political, business, and media figures known as the Bilderbergers.

Summarizing the objectives of this group of Europe’s and America’s wealthiest CEOs and political “insiders” is best done by quoting William Shannon (Plans to Destroy America are Exposed! American Almanac, Aug. 11, 2002)

The Bilderbergers are searching for the age of post-nationalism: when we won’t have countries, but rather regions of Earth surrounded by Universal values. That is to say, a global economy one World government (selected rather than elected) and a universal religion. To assure themselves of reaching these objectives, the Bilderbergers focus on a “greater technical approach and less awareness on behalf of the general public.”

Backed by the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund), with an ever increase level of power and control being given to the United Nations, our elected officials are gradually being relegated to mere figure heads in the overall scheme of things.Over the course of several administrations, both Republican and Democrat, the immigration issue has been ignored while growing further out of control as the drug cartel in Mexico gradually tightened their grip of fear and intimidation on states along the southern border. Increasingly, actions of global magnitude have slowly been working their way through our own country’s legislative process such as the L.O.S.T. (Law of the Sea Treaty), which would give control of our national shores to the U.N.The construction of a “super highway” (I-35 in Texas) from Mexico through the heartland of our country, north to Michigan and Canada, has already begun. This has been well documented on nationally broadcast shows such as 60 Minutes on CBS.

What has been the result of these shifts to greater international trade?To the individual who’s been paying attention at all, it’s obvious that our country’s economic situation has worsened; industries have left the U.S. – steel, automobiles, computers, manufactured goods – our country’s largest area of employment is now in the service sector. We have shifted over the past thirty years from a nation of producers to a nation of consumers—buying products manufactured mostly overseas. Ocean freighters are coming over from China full and returning to China empty most of the time.How long can a country survive if it does not produce much of its own goods?

If our country does not have a balanced economy, how much longer will our existing jobs maintain the ability to purchase those goods being shipped in from overseas? Especially with the rising price of gasoline, the fluid to which this nation is at the mercy of functioning efficiently. And it certainly doesn’t ease our concerns when, at the Congressional hearing recently, Congresswoman Maxine Waters threatened to nationalize the oil companies. Is this current situation just what the “power elites” have been waiting for in which to take the next step toward imposing a tyrannical government which promises to solve our problems, but very well could take steps which many would find unacceptable? Are we as a people so preoccupied with who gets Anna Nicole’s baby, or Britney Spears’ latest breakdown, or who got breast implants, that we are willing to allow the “power elites” to gradually force us into parity with the rest of the third world countries’ standard of living?

What Must Be Done?
While many would discount that such a thing could happen in our country, the reader need only recall that, back in the 1930s, many in the U.S. didn’t believe the news of concentration camps being used by Hitler either. Public awareness of the potential loss of freedoms we’ve taken for granted for too long, along with radical action by those who recognize the threat —both citizens and elected officials at every level of government — are the two most obvious solutions. To continue “sleeping at the wheel” for much longer will only allow those working with greater diligence to move us toward a tyrannical socialist regime of globalization and win the battle for control.

One organization I highly recommend to raise one’s awareness of the issues facing our nation is, while another is the site. These organizations, in a nutshell, best address the issues aboutwhich we must become knowledgeable and upon which we must press our elected officials. As you will find, there is soon to be a nation-wide campaign to take action, using the system, in which you can participate to make change for the betterment of our nation’s interests.

Because our government is structured as a representative republic, each of us must participate in the process. We must speak up and be heard. For, if we are silent, if left up to those others have elected to decide on voting one way or the other, because the lobbyists in D.C. have their ear more than we do, then we are complicit in the success of what may well be over the horizon and it will be too late.

Each citizen who understands the threat this situation poses to his/her freedoms and rights must educate and inform themselves so that they may communicate their concerns and expectations to their local, state and federal officials who are there to serve their constituents.We must demand that bills be introduced in state legislatures, as well as our Congress, that will bring the manufacturing production industry back to the U.S. We must demand that the Social Security and Welfare problems be addressed by Congress. We must demand that taxes be overhauled to be fair and equitable for all citizens. We must demand that initiatives like the SPP, the purchasing of land, highways, and other property by foreign entities, be stopped and investigated further.

Elected officials need to be educated about how these circumstances are impacting your life. I’m sure many are already beginning to see evidence of this. If our elected officials don’t respond, then We the People must take up the torch of preserving our freedoms and rights long enjoyed by our fathers, grandparents and others who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice to keep these freedoms, by running for office at the local, state and national levels to effect change for the revitalization of our country’s prosperity, or we have no one to blame but ourselves.

One can’t help but wonder, with all the events occurring so rapidly around us, if it’s too late to maintain hope for our country’s ability to turn its course away from future tyranny that may well be coming. Only time, participation and action by those who don’t want to see us go down that path, will tell.

By Jon Higley

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