Educate Jurors
If you are reading this, you are already searching for solutions to problems caused by the government. Each day, government politicians and bureaucrats impose more and more restrictions on our freedoms. Government’s tyrannical gun controls, privacy violations, the confiscation of property, and claiming ownership of the fruits of our labor ~ and even of our bodies ~ are worsening daily. You already know this. We see government confiscating our property and the product of our labors, thus depriving us of the days of our lives we have invested to acquire our property. Our paychecks are plundered before they reach our hands. Our property is subject to seizure any time we fail to allocate much of our labors to pay taxes. Our tools are subject to seizure if they are not tools approved by the government. More and more harmless people are tasered, locked away in prisons, or killed by government employees who then go free. We are subject to being stopped and searched at any time. We can no longer travel freely. Our private correspondence is invaded, worse than any Revolutionary War plot to capture the letters of the Revolutionaries. Short of armed revolution, how do we defend our lives, our property, our rights and our freedom?
What Can You Do?
What can you do as one free individual to make a difference? How can you protect your human rights and the rights of others? How can you regain the birthright of liberty left to you by those who fought and died, that we might enjoy individual human rights and the blessings of liberty, life, property, and prosperity? How can you peacefully regain these rights? How do you, one individual, become a revolutionary force of justice and freedom?
Become a juror. To learn more, visit or call 1-800-TEL-Jury for a free information packet. One of the best and least-known methods you can use to protect your rights and the rights of everyone is to serve on a jury every chance you get.Yes, you read that correctly: every chance you get, serve on a jury. To defend peaceful, productive individuals from routinely being abused by the power of government, you must first get on the jury. During jury selection lawyers and judges,who like to dictate the law, remove thinking people from juries.The corrupted power of lawyers and judges is dependent upon ignorant, unthinking jurors who will do whatever they are told by government officers, even in violation of good conscience and constitutional law. Be educated!
YOU, as one individual, cannot do much to effect legislation. But YOU can effectively defend the Constitution when a gun owner, a tax resister, or someone who knows he owns his individual body, is on trial for not following government-made laws that are both unconstitutional and violate human rights.The primary responsibility of any juror is to protect innocent humans from government tyranny.That means any violation of basic human rights should be nullified by you, the juror.This is your individual executive veto power, built into our justice system by our founders.
How Can You Do This?
One person can “hang” a Jury by refusing to convict.You cannot be punished for doing so. If you are called to serve on a jury, do so! In turn, if your rational exercise of a right is ever described as a gun crime, a property crime, or a body management crime by a typical government prosecutor, wouldn’t you want a member of your Jury to be an informed gun owner, tax resister or supplement user?You would want them to understand that they can hang a jury by simply stating that the government prosecutor failed to prove the government case.
This is important: You can also state no reason for your verdict, as is your right.
Liberty exists only among reasoning people who are tolerant of human diversity. Tyranny thrives on intolerance. Reasoning jurors defend liberty when they refuse to convict fellow citizens who are maliciously accused of crimes. Reasoning jurors stopped the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and freed tax protesters during the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. Juries refused to convict under the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, during Liquor Prohibition from 1920-30, Vietnam Objectors from 1960-1970, Tax Resisters, Medical Marijuana Users, Home-Schoolers, Property Owners, Gun Owners, ID Resisters, and others.
The defense of our liberties comes first at the ballot box, then the soap box, then the jury box and, finally, failing all else, the cartridge box.The writers of the U.S. Constitution understood that power always corrupts, and that the people must retain and understand all the ways to defend themselves from the greatest threat to liberty: one’s own government.The founders wrote the Constitution with many checks and balances for the People to use—peacefully—to keep government under control. Some of us never heard about these checks and balances because the government-run schools do not teach about juror veto rights, nor will government judges or government-licensed attorneys tell you about this right when you are called for jury duty.
For instance, there are more than 20,000 inferior gun laws contradicting the superior or prevailing law of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment. Because judges and lawyers are ignorant of the Constitution and the Common Law, it is only a matter of time before you or one of your friends are stupidly accused of some victimless crime. Enough of us must become informed jurors and use our juror veto, or nullification, to refuse to convict those who have been wrongfully accused of some government-invented crime. An actual crime is when another individual human is injured, not when a reasonable peaceful person fails to obey some tyrannical government mandate or pronouncement. (Government has no rights and, therefore, cannot be injured by a person. If no other human is injured in any way, by force or fraud, then there is no crime. Period!)
The duty and function of a juror is to apply honest, common-sense reasoning that is without craving for power of office. Lawyers and judges literally cannot understand that concept, even if they read these words, which is why wise people instituted the peer jury system with its authority over lawyers and judges. The jury is the highest authority in the courtroom. Jurors are not officers of the court: jurors own the courts! This veto authority is how We the People keep our government under our control.
Why Should You Do This?
The promotions of government prosecutors and judges are based on their record of protecting and increasing the corrupt power of government. That entrenched corruption is easily verified. Court judges are no longer a check and balance on the executive or legislative branches which select those court judges for lucrative and ego-gratifying promotions, often as a reward for loyalty to political tyranny.
Court officers and prosecutors profile jurors based on their psychological and professional likelihood of not questioning what some government authority-figure says, so the jurors will do exactly what a judge tells them in the jury instructions. That is the same type person every dictator selects for his minions. Gullible people who do not question authority are the foundation of every tyranny. Always question all authority. Always!
What Are the Results If Jurors Veto Bad Laws?
In 1789 Thomas Jefferson accurately stated: “I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.”The People of this country advanced individual human freedom above government power until corrupted judges usurped the jury system by refusing to remind jurors of their authority to judge the law and the facts of any case. Judges then imposed unlawful jury instructions that fooled gullible jurors into rubber-stamping guilty verdicts that the judge devised with instructions and by disallowing evidence that proved innocence. The lawyer-judge written Rules of the Court replaced the U.S. Constitution within the judge-ruled dictatorship of what were, once, our Courts.
The only anchor—a juror—holding government to the U.S. Constitution was thus rendered useless by this process, unless the juror knew prior to entering the courtroom about the authority of the juror.You know from reading the Constitution that nothing in the Constitution remains in effect in the United States of America, except at the personal whim of court judges who may grant their friends and colleagues the privilege of exercising human rights, while sending others to prison for the exact same offense.
When jurors refuse to convict, legislators and prosecutors know that the law is NOT supported by the community. Acquittals and hung juries are politically embarrassing to the power-craving prosecutors, legislatures, bureaucrats and most judges. Do not underestimate the effect that acquittals have on the currently out-of-control law and regulation writing process. One thinking person among each of only a few juries, who understands the value of individual liberty that cost so many lives to create, can regain gun owner rights in the U.S.
A very important point is that in recent jury decisionswhere the defendant may have been found not guilty of the felony counts but perhaps guilty of some minor misdemeanor counts, the judges will use these verdicts of guilt on lesser offenses to “throw the book” at the defendant, often sentencing the person on trial to the maximum allowed under the law such as happened in the Waco, Snipes and other trials. Jurors need to remember that government employees can be vindictive and, therefore, jurors should refuse to convict a defendant on any counts when it is apparent that the government wants to “get” the defendant and when there is no harm to another person.
For jury nullification to protect all human and constitutional rights, it is necessary for jurors to learn about their authority to judge laws and their application.
The reason jurors can lawfully and logically ignore the traditionally corrupted judge’s instructions and apply their conscience alone for their decision as a duty created by the jury system is that no law requires, or can successfully require, a juror to reveal the reason she or he made their decision. There is no way to look inside a human mind to verify anything. To any government question of the juror’s decision, the juror can lawfully respond with silence, or respond that the question seems intimidating, and thus unlawfully tampering with the jury duties. Or the juror can simply state that the evidence was not credible or sufficient. Jurors need never reveal their conscience or their decision-making process.
For every person accused of a crime by the government, each juror would wisely ask his or her own conscience these questions: 1. Did the action of the accused result in a real person being damaged against their will? 2. Was the damage real and verifiable? If the answer is “No” to these questions, why would you, as a juror, agree to punish this person either with a fine or jail or prison time? And you might ask, “Why is government wasting my tax dollars on this case?” Refuse to convict. It is your right and your authority!
How Can You Spread the Word?
Visit FIJA at for more information you can use to become a juror for justice. At our web supply shop you will find literature, brochures to share, essays, various educational tapes, and DVDs. Want more information right away? Act now!Call 1-800-TEL-JURY for a free information kit!Now That You Know, What Else Can You Do?
• Learn all you can about FIJA and Jury Veto Authority.
• Hand out FIJA Literature, give local Radio and TV interviews, get in touch with your state FIJA contact, or contact our national office. Speak about FIJA to Local Groups
• Write Letters to the Editor, put up FIJA Posters. Encourage people to demand jury trials, and help educate the jury pool in your area.
• Leave FIJA brochures at neighborhood meetings, PTA meetings, in your Church, at the office or your place of work, at gun shops and ranges, at medical offices, and any other place you have permission to leave materials.Talk to people about this wonderful tool for restoring the Constitutional Republic our founders intended.Iloilo Marguerite Jones is the Executive Director of FIJA/AJI.
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