Ban RFID Technology for Human Identification
Just a few short generations ago, the very mention of implanting a microchip into a human would have been either repulsive or laughable to most people. The technology was not available, nor was it really conceivable. At the very mention of the idea, most people would have rejected the notion outright. No debate. No discussion. Just NO!
So, what happened to “No?” What happened to a common sense “No” by “We The People” to the notion of implanting, or even forcibly implanting, people with microchips? Frog boiling -that’s what! We have been watching our liberties disappear slowly over time and we have failed to react. Now as the proverbial “water” heats up with the disappearance of our 4th amendment rights, we are finally waking up to see that we are almost cooked.
If you are not familiar with human implantable microchip technology, you can gain a full understanding at It is a small microchip about the size of a grain of rice. Once inserted under the skin, it will recognize the signal of a microchip “reader” and communicate with it. The chip’s unique ID number will be used to identify and track people, ostensibly for their own “safety,” and it may contain private, personal data as well.
Forcible human chipping is not a far-off threat or a delusion on the part of a bunch of misguided privacy advocates, as some would like the public to think. As an example, patients at the Alzheimer’s Community Care Center in West Palm Beach, Florida have already been chipped. The website for this company states that this program is not forced and that a patient’s legal representative can make the decision for them. The program is to improve the safety for the patient and, of course, it improves the staff ’s efficiency.
This sounds nice in theory, but what happens if the patient held religious or political beliefs that would not allow the chipping? Certainly one would hope their legal representative would make the choice based on the patient’s personal commitments, but this will not always be the case, especially when the patient is in the custody of the “state.” While the rest of us continue to “stew” in the frog pot, unaware of this brewing predicament, prisoners, mentally disabled people, soldiers, immigrants and selected religious, civil liberty and activist groups, and eventually – you – will be ready to be served up! After all, once you take the Real ID card, why bother carrying the card at all? Why not just take the chip or the tattoo, or allow your face, fingerprint or iris, to be used to identify and track you?
Here is why! • It attacks human dignity, lowering us to a class of animals to be tagged, monitored, and controlled.
Assault • It invades our bodily privacy in a form akin to “rape.” Arguably, if rape is forced sexual intercourse, forced human chipping is forced “technological intercourse.” Why is assault by rape limited to invasion of the body sexually? Bodily invasion is bodily invasion. If we cannot be secure in our own bodies, how can we be secure with our persons and papers?
1st Amendment Trashed • It defies our 1st amendment rights to religious freedom: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...”
4th Amendment Trashed • It defies our 4th amendment “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects...”
Causes Cancer • Studies published between 1996 and 2006 link microchips and cancer in laboratory animals. The cancers form at the injection site. VeriChip apparently knew of these studies but, according to AP reporter Todd Lewan, failed to provide them during the FDA approval process in 2004. For a full report on these studies and VeriChip’s lack of full disclosure to the FDA you can go to
Overwhelms Us • It is Orwellian in nature and pulls a slow heavy cloud of denial over the vast majority of sleeping voters who simply wish to look the other way and watch this occur in some other segment of the population, until they too, are “frog boiled.”
Social Engineering • From the time we were very small we have been taught to trust the government, people in uniforms, corporations and other authorities. It is beyond many American’s comprehension that our own government and/or our corporations would harm us in any way. This defensive instinct has been “educated out” of most of us, leaving many of us not knowing whether to fight, flee or just sit there. With most of us choosing the latter alternative, who will be left to watch the watchers.
“But, I want the chip!” • Many people will actually be eager for such a chip: no more hassle with identification, medical records will be readily available, no need to present additional identification when you board a plane – just show up – you are your own ID.
It’s for Our Own Good • Another argument in favor of human chipping is the protection of infants from being stolen from hospitals and for identification of children in the event of abduction or murder. Others will say that hikers and mountain climbers should be chipped for their own safety and to facilitate rescue operations. There is, apparently, literally no end to “good” reasons for our liberties to be “chipped” away.
The Agenda • In essence, the case of human chipping is literally a desire on the part of some to inject a chip into the infant the moment it is born, and to track, monitor, understand, predict and control the activities and productivity of that person from cradle to grave.
The Truth • People are not transactions and we are not bits and bytes. As the gap closes between human and machine, our fundamental understanding of what it means to be “human” and, in the United States of America, what it means to be a stakeholder in the Constitution must be crystallized.
We must use our Constitution as a prism through which we can refract the issues presented by each of the technical, economic, social and political changes presented to us. In so doing, we can control the technologies and use them for real good. For instance, being able to implant a microchip to assist during a surgical operation could be a great use of the technology. Microchips to track and control product inventories and shipments – great! But, placing technology in or on a person for the purpose of identifying and tracking them is an issue for critical evaluation and debate prior to the release of such technology.
We must clearly understand, and definitively “choose,”our future. This technology and those related to it, such as bio-recognition, have long term Constitutional, religious, safety, social, and philosophical considerations. Those in position to gain more control and profit from such technologies would obviously like to see them well entrenched before the public wakes up to discover they are in the “boiling pot.” Corporations and government entities, such as Homeland Security, complain that the legislators must not be allowed to interfere with their programs, products and profits, paying only lip-service to the Constitution’s protections and rights for the private person. This author has personally seen this happen within corporations and at the state legislative level.
Don’t take the chip! Blog! Write! Educate! Protest! Legislate!
Legislation #1 • Draw a clear bright line in the “sand” - Help pass“The Bodily Integrity Act” in your state: Wisconsin, North Dakota, California and Oklahoma have all passed legislation banning the forced implantations of microchips in humans. Florida, Colorado, Arizona and Ohio are considering the issue.
To find the model legislation, please go to Then, look up your legislators and ask them to sponsor the bill or support bills already being considered. The Bodily Integrity Act can be downloaded as a PDF file from the above link. A sample letter is also available to help you get started.
When you read The Bodily Integrity Act you will notice that it clearly delineates the microchip device from the act of tracking the device. This is a critical issue because, as is already being seen, the “device” is not limited to the current VeriChip microchip, but could literally be “any means, any item, application, device, marking, or other technology capable of storing or passively or actively transmitting an individual’s identity, characteristics, status, group membership, travel history, or location, or capable of storing or transmitting a number, symbol, signal, pattern, or other identifier that could be linked with any such information.”
This cannot be over-emphasized as there are really two critical issues at stake:
1, the forcible implantation of a device on or in a person is a clear violation of our 1st and 4th amendment rights. And 2, tracking a person based on any device or characteristic is also a clear violation of our 4th amendments rights and potentially our 1st amendments rights if our particular religion is “why” we are being “tracked.”
If you have never contacted your legislators before, you might feel a bit nervous. Just take a deep breath and remember who they work for — you! Get on the Internet or the telephone and let them know your views. If you need assistance in any step of this process help is only a click or two away and can be obtained through the same link.
Legislation #2 • Help stop the implementation of the Real ID Act. Using the same skills and determination you used to contact legislators on the Anti-Human Chipping issue, make Real ID the next agenda item to take up with your legislators. There are some wonderful websites to help you on this cause:,,,
Educate – Your Legislators • Let your state and federal legislators know that you will not take the chip or allow your family to have the chips implanted. Tell them why and be sure to share a copy of Republic magazine with them as well as the website.
Educate – Friends, Family, Community • It is way too late to be shy! Now is the time when you must be willing to risk being politically incorrect – invite, share, coerce, do whatever it takes to communicate this information – their future rides on this as well.
Educate – Yourself • While you are sharing your wealth of knowledge, don’t forget to nurture your own freedom loving mind with great material, with great reading, radio, DVDs and “web surfing!” It is important to stay current on the issue of RFID and tracking technologies.
Blog • Blah, blah, blah on the blogs! You do not have to be “captain and commander,” “gatekeeper of all knowledge,” and “emperor of Homeland Security” to know that your civil rights are in “check-mate.” Establish your own blog (an easy way is or comment on other blogs about these important issues. Anywhere and everywhere you go on the Internet, share your message loud and clear. Contact the Media • Contact your local, regional and national papers, television and radio channels and web news.Write letters to the editor and send them to your local paper —they really work!
Write To the Companies and Associations • Send a personal letter to companies and associations that provide products and services to people that might be first in line to receive “the cancer chip.” At this time, over 600 hospitals are capable of “reading” the VeriChip. Other associations might include those affiliated with elder care, disabled care, prison directors and even Homeland Security.
Advertise • If you are financially well off, consider placing an ad in a regional or national paper or magazine or other publication to call attention to the encroachment of our civil rights.
Find Alternatives • If you have a loved one who might need immediate access to their medical records, try the MedicAlert® Foundation. They have over 50 years of experience in the emergency response business.
Lobby • Yes —anyone can do it. Many of our legislators attempt to introduce bills to protect privacy and or stop any attempts to force human chipping. If they are not in “someone’s pocket,” they are usually fighting alone against corporate lobbyists and technology companies and even Homeland Security. Very few members of “We the People” ever show up to rally our support for them. Assist them by reviewing legislation and suggesting changes as needed to help craft tight, well-written legislation. Help them build a solid constituency of other legislators in agreement. This takes work, but you can do it from home, over the Internet and on the telephone if you can’t get to your state capital.
This is critical if we want our “good” elected people to succeed. They will be happy to work with you if you are part of the “solution” rather than the “problem.” Most of them are overworked and under-staffed — help them succeed for you and your family. If you need help, give us a shout at
Hold the Moral High Ground
We know instinctively that control of government encroachment is critical at this juncture. Technical capabilities are expanding so rapidly that holding them up to the prism of Constitutional freedoms is beyond most of our abilities. This does not change our freedoms, nor does it release us from the responsibility to self-govern.
While no one at the time the Constitution was written could have visualized the ease of identification and tracking provided by a microchip, it would only have encouraged our forefathers to place even more rigid restrictions on the federal government. Our forefathers would be dismayed to see so many of us happily being “frog boiled.”
By Leslie Simons
1 comment:
Chipping authorities are idiots - it's safe for hikers or mountain climbers
Da you don't need a chip just wear a bracelet make sure you take your gps phone with you and a solar charger.
This is disgusting slave/master mentality treating us like some kind of dumbed down children -- livestock... F#%* O$*
Ask if Rothschild Family and Bernake if they are going to accept chips if they say yes they lie.
Disgusting and laughable but what people don't get especially the ones that drink too much fluoride water is that when they convert to a cash less system you are screwed because they can turn off your digital money.
Oh ya its going to help you if you get kidnapped.
These people who kidnap you are not like the idiots who allowed to be chipped. These kidnappers will look for it in your arm and then carve it out with their bush knife all because you believed the talking heads for the NWO.
Get a grip and wake up read my lips ... NO!!!!
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